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Access Information News. The Week's News in Access Information. Symbol: Revolving Blue Globe. Six square boxes of the same size stacked two over four show people with different abilities using access information to improve their life. In the background, forty-eight square boxes of the same size stacked in six rows of eight. Inside each box is a photo of a person with a disability using access information to improve their life.

Access Information News for Monday, January 30, 2023 - Volume 895

The Week's News in Access Information

A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication

Access Information News. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access information.

Subscribers: 10,725 Opt-In Subscribers were sent this issue via email.

This Week's Featured Advertisement: Access Ready Celebrates 2022 Public Policy Achievements At The National Level

Access Ready. Logo. Inclusion Can't Wait!

In 2022, Access Ready engaged Powers, Pyles, Sutter & Verville PC as public policy representatives in conjunction with our civil rights legal council, Eve L. Hill, of Inclusivity Consulting. This included the wise council of the late Robert (Bobby) Silverstein. Bobby helped shape our digital policy and left a legacy that we are committed to furthering.

Along with others, this effort lead to: The Department of Justice, in concert with the Government Services Administration, announced that they are planning to publish a new Section 508 compliance report, a report missing since 2012. The House of Representatives passed the 2023 Omnibus Government Funding Bill, mandating that the Office of Management and Budget update guidance under Section 508 within 100 days and that each agency report on compliance with the Section within 225 days. In 2023, we will be pressing forward to expand on these accomplishments in support of accessible Information and Communications Technologies (ICT).

Access Ready, Inc. is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit, cross-disability education and advocacy organization promoting a policy of inclusion and accessibility across Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Learn more about Access Ready today at: https://accessready.org/.

Dear Access Information News Subscriber,

✍ Submit your Access Information News item for free, with timing and placement determined by our editors, using this form: https://www.accessinformationnews.com/submit-news or locate "News Item Submission Form" within the main menu of the Access Information News website.

1) Top 5 Most Clicked Access Information News Articles From Last Week

A.) Reader Review: Online Shopping Services (6.8% of all clicks.)
Courtesy of Award Winning Sight Loss Coach, Advocate and Author Donna Jodhan, Access Information News reader::

B.) Babysitting Tips Series For The Visually Impaired | Hadley (6.4% of all clicks.)
Keep the fun and safety in caring for the little ones in your life with proven tips and tricks that work, no matter your level of vision:

C.) Using Markup Languages for Accessible Scientific, Technical, and Scholarly Document Creation (5.8% of all clicks.)
Publisher: As a twenty plus year creator of documents that must contain formatting which is both visually appealing as well as completely and totally translatable to any screen reader, I concur with this author's opinion that using markup languages for this task is far superior to any other method that I have utilized to date. It is not only the most scalable method that you can use, but it also produces the most accessible results. The only catch? The learning curve. But it is not insurmountable. Hence this article. Journal of Science Education: In using software to write a scientific, technical, or other scholarly document, authors have essentially two options. They can either write it in a 'what you see is what you get' (WYSIWYG) editor such as a word processor, or write it in a text editor using a markup language such as HTML, LaTeX, Markdown, or AsciiDoc. This paper gives an overview of the latter approach, focusing on both the non-visual accessibility of the writing process, and that of the documents produced. Currently popular markup languages and established tools associated with them are introduced. Support for mathematical notation is considered. In addition, domain-specific programming languages for constructing various types of diagrams can be well integrated into the document production process. These languages offer interesting potential to facilitate the non-visual creation of graphical content, while raising insufficiently explored research questions:

D.) Estee Lauder's New App Helps Visually Impaired Users Apply Makeup | Vogue (4.7% of all clicks.)
The first-of-its-kind Voice-enabled Makeup Assistant uses AR and AI to analyze the makeup on a user's face and suggests audio feedback on which areas need to be touched up or blended:

E.) New Treatment For Hereditary Blindness Possible Using Nanoparticles And mRNA (4.6% of all clicks.)
Scientists from the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy have demonstrated in animal models the possibility of using lipid nanoparticles and messenger RNA, the technology underpinning COVID-19 vaccines, to treat blindness associated with a rare genetic condition:

2) Sponsorship Package Updates

Availability: There are currently 9 Access Information News Sponsorship Packages remaining. Join Us: If you would like to support the ongoing distribution of Access Information News while reaching over 24,000 access professionals each week, please consider becoming a Sponsor today for just $100 a month, paid either quarterly or annually. Annual sponsors gain the additional benefit of being able to schedule their Featured Advertisements up to one year in advance. If you are an access information business or organization that has been looking for a way to consistently reach the largest audience of opt-in access professionals in the world today, please consider becoming an Access Information News Sponsor while packages last. Benefits: Learn all about the benefits here:
https://www.accessinformationnews.com/sponsorship-packages.html#sponsorship-package-benefits 📧️

3) Blind SA And Section27 Launch A Brochure Titled #EndingTheBookFamine For People Who Are Blind Or Visually Impaired, A Guide To Accessible Format Shifting

Publisher: This is an amazing, excellent and thorough resource for anyone that wants to better understand accessible formats, copies and the copyright laws that surround producing and distributing them. I encourage you to save a copy of this PDF for future reference. Blind SA And Section27: The Constitutional Court has declared the Copyright Act of 1978 unconstitutional and invalid to the extent that it limits access to literary and artistic works in accessible formats. The Court granted an immediate exception to copyright for persons with disabilities, allowing them to convert literary and artistic works into accessible formats without first getting authorization from the copyright holder. Previously, as a result of the Copyright Act of 1978, people with disabilities would need to get authorization from copyright holders to convert books into formats they could read. The Constitutional Court has now removed this requirement. This opens the door for persons with disabilities, improving access to books and other printed published works. The Constitutional Court aims to remove the historical gap in access to books, as well as other literary and artistic works, between persons with disabilities and those without. People with disabilities must be granted the same access to books and other literary and artistic works as people without disabilities:

4) CNET Secretly Used AI on Articles That Didn't Disclose That Fact, Staff Say

The tech site CNET sent a chill through the media world when it tapped artificial intelligence to produce surprisingly lucid news stories. But now its human staff is writing a lot of corrections:

5) The Third-Party Apps Twitter Just Killed Made The Site What It Is Today

A surprising amount of the Twitter experience came from alternative apps — and now they're gone:

6) Do Emojis And Accessibility Work Together?

Living in a mobile-first, digitally-driven world, it's easy to get lost in the glory of our devices. They absorb our attention, speed up our lives and lure us into using shortcuts and pictures, over words and faces. Yes, everyone loves emojis. They're the bite-sized emotion-carrying pictures that can say so much and are increasingly hard to avoid. Thanks to emojis, we've added back the feelings that had been lost in our increasingly non-verbal conversations, and they've literally given a face to our text. But there's a catch. In amongst all that revelry, are you being co-opted into assuming that the messaging shortcuts you're using are interpreted (and seen), the way you intend? Or could they be causing confusion?

7) Braille Valentines for Our Students to Receive | Paths To Literacy

Support sighted classmates in making accessible tactile Valentines with braille for children in inclusive classrooms who are blind, deafblind, or visually impaired:

8) 3 AI-Powered Smart Glasses Giving Sight To The Blind And The Visually-Impaired

AI technology is changing how visually impaired people experience the world. As technology advances, the potential for assistive devices to improve the lives of those with visual impairments is becoming a reality. One area that has seen significant growth in recent years is the development of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled smart glasses. Integrated with AI technology, these smart glasses can analyze the environment and provide real-time audio cues to the wearer, such as describing the objects around them or reading out text:

9) Home Office Civil Servants 'Told To Stop Using Times New Roman' Font

Publisher: Anyone with a visual impairment knows that serif fonts, of which Times New Roman is their leader, are for more difficult to discern than sans-serif fonts. "A serif is a decorative line or taper added to the beginning and/or end of a letter's stem, which creates small horizontal and vertical planes within a word." So it's nice that the world is finally taking notice. And while I personally like US Secretary Blinken's recommendation of "Calibri" as a sans-serif substitute, I still think that "Roboto" is the clearer choice. What's your favorite font to read in? The Independent: Times New Roman has been outlawed by the Home Office due to it being harder for visually impaired people or those who have difficulty reading to decipher, reports say. It comes days after US secretary of state Antony Blinken hit headlines for telling staff they should ditch the font in favour of adopting “Calibri as the standard,” according to a cable obtained by The Washington Post. But a report in The Telegraph today suggests the UK government department took the decision far in advance of Mr Blinken, advising its civil servants to avoid Times New Roman a year ago:

10) 10 Tips for Grandparents of Visually Impaired Children | WonderBaby.org

As grandparents you are an integral part of both your children's and your grandchildren's lives. You're the rock that keeps the family grounded and your help and support is so important. But what can you do when your grandchild is born with a disability? You want to help, but you may not be sure what's the best way to help. Here are some tips to assist you in connecting both with your children and your grandchildren:

11) There Are Blind People Who Live Their Lives Believing They Can See: This Is Anton's Syndrome

The old man entered the office of von Monaco, the most important neurologist in Zurich, which was already in great disarray. He suffered from mobility problems, experienced visual hallucinations for years, and had difficulty finding the exact words he wanted to say. He was 70 years old and had four consecutive medical problems. I was tired. However, the reason for taking him for consultation was new. He hadn't seen her for weeks. For practical purposes, I saw nothing, absolutely nothing; but he thought so:

12) She Is Blind And Has Created An AI Suitcase To Guide Herself Without Using A Cane Or A Dog

Chieko Asakawa, a computer scientist and IBM researcher who lost her sight completely when she was 14 after an accident, together with a group of Japanese researchers, presented in Tokyo on January 26th 2023 an autonomous suitcase that allows you to avoid obstacles with the aim of guiding the blind through the airport without the need for a cane or a guide dog:

13) Study Results: Early Detection Of Visual Impairment In Young Children Using A Smartphone-Based Deep Learning System | Nature | Medicine

In this prospective, multicenter, observational study, we developed and validated a smartphone-based system, the Apollo Infant Sight (AIS), to identify visual impairment in young children in real-world settings. AIS was designed to induce a steady gaze in children by using cartoon-like video stimuli and collect videos that capture phenotypic features (facial appearance and ocular movements) for further analysis using deep learning (DL) models with robust quality control design against test noises. We collected more than 25,000,000 frames of videos from 3,652 children using AIS for DL model training and testing. We evaluated the system for detecting visual impairment caused by any of 16 ophthalmic disorders in five clinics at different institutions. Furthermore, we validated this system under different conditions with various test noise levels or ambient interference presented in real-world settings. We also evaluated AIS used by untrained parents or caregivers at home to test its wider applicability. This preliminary study indicates that AIS shows potential for early detection of visual impairment in young children in both clinical and community settings:

14) Cane And Able Fitness Is Making The Gym Less Intimidating For People With Visual Impairments | Shape

Plus, the most important exercises for people with visual impairments to add to their workout routine:

15) Visually Impaired Pilates Instructor Defies The Fitness Norm

Ann Ramos has been teaching fitness for 25 years, despite having a visual disability. She teaches Pilates through thorough cues:

16) CVI Learning Videos | Paths To Literacy

Explore videos that provide simple, plain backgrounds, and music for children with Cortical/Cerebral Vision Impairment (CVI):

17) Advocating Always: A Request for the Wheatley Tactile Diagramming Kit | APH CareerConnect Blog | Alexis Read

Imagine that you are assigned to an unfamiliar school for your student-teaching placement. Your vocational rehabilitation counselor has purchased the Picture Maker: Wheatley Tactile Diagramming Kit for your use in learning routes in the school and new community because he understands the benefit of this tool. Now imagine that you meet your new orientation and mobility (O&M) instructor and show him this tool. You ask him to make a tactile map of the targeted indoor routes. He has worked as a mobility instructor for many years. He says, "I'm teaching you to survive without the use of tactile maps:"

18) AFB Announces The 2023 Helen Keller Achievement Award Recipients

The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) has announced the two honorees who will receive the prestigious Helen Keller Achievement Award at a special event on April 19, 2023, at the Crystal City Hyatt Regency in Arlington, Virginia:

19) How An App Is Helping Low Vision People Navigate Life Better | BBC News | YouTube

From ordering off detailed menus to looking at complex images, people with low vision can come up against hurdles navigating the everyday. The Rebokeh app has been designed for those with a visual impairment to differentiate images or read far away text better. It uses customizable smartphone camera filters that users can change to suit their own visual impairment, that can make images brighter, or alter color contrast. Rebecca Rosenberg, CEO and founder of ReBokeh, who has albinism herself, said: "For a lot of people it is the difference between being able to read a menu at Starbucks or McDonalds when it is up in the back and needing to ask someone else for help". This film is from Click — the BBC's weekly technology show:

20) Legally Blind Chef Donates Electronic Glasses To Visually Impaired Teens In Chicago Area

Chef Charlie Doman said he got choked up watching visually impaired teens try out their new electronic glasses for the first time. The giveaway and device training event took place in the dining room of the restaurant where he works, Moe Joe's Cajun Restaurant in Plainfield, Illinois:

21) Visually Impaired Mountaineer's Tall Task More Than Overcoming World's Highest Peaks

Twenty-six months after the near-death accident that stole 70 per cent of her vision, Jill Wheatley anxiously adjusted to a new reality where her autonomy was slipping away. "Those 26 months in hospitals and so much darkness, that was not a choice, but now I'm choosing to put myself in these situations where I'm being challenged physically and mentally. I've been through worse, not by choice:"

22) biped: The Venture Leader Mobile Providing Smart Navigation For The Blind And Visually Impaired

Meet Mael Fabien, CEO of biped and Venture Leader Mobile 2023. biped's technology helps blind and visually impaired people avoid obstacles and anticipate collisions, ultimately bringing them stress-free daily navigation. Fabien and the other members of the Swiss National Mobile Team will head to the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona at the end of February:

23) Bridging Back to Build Up | Paths To Literacy

This team is using a bridge back plan for a student who is deafblind with an anticipation calendar system while training new staff and allowing a student time and space to rebuild skills:

24) For Visually Impaired Children, Beeping Eggs Make Easter Egg Hunting A Joy

Sponsors are needed for this years Beeping Eggstravaganza, which allows visually impaired children to enjoying hunting Easter eggs. Here's how you can get involved:

25) More Than 35 Years Of Bringing Print News To Blind And Visually Impaired | Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service

Long before text to speech was available, the Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service brought the news to those who are blind or visually impaired over the radio with the help of dedicated volunteers who read directly from printed sources. For more than 35 years, people throughout the regions of Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, and Southern Ontario (Canada) have read newspapers, books, magazines, and other printed materials for people who are blind or cannot read for any reason:

26) How Jerusalem Became the First Accessible UNESCO World Heritage City

Given the city's age and popularity, Jerusalem has been implementing significant structural changes on a wide scale over the last decade to ensure that it's brought to the modern era. While some of the updates to the Old City's infrastructure have been beneficial to all (including adding signs highlighting historical or archeological findings and installing garbage collection points in the main tourist areas), a few local organizations have been steadfastly working to make it more accessible to everyone who finds themselves in The Holy City — to people with mobility issues, those who are visually impaired, even families with strollers:

27) FMLS Introduces New Technology To Assist Blind & Visually Impaired Individuals Access To Listings In Georgia And Beyond

Fourth largest MLS in the Country Inks Statewide Exclusive with PropTech Partner Lundy, Inc. to share listing info via Amazon's Alexa app:

28) First MLS Launches Alexa-Based Property-Search Engine For The Visually Impaired

First MLS launched a voice-activated property-search engine on Amazon's Alexa app to help blind and visually impaired people search for homes. The Finding Homes service, which works on any Alexa-equipped smart phone, allows people to access FMLS real estate listings. Homebuyers can ask Alexa questions like, "Provide property details of 111 Main St. in Atlanta," or "How large is the lot?" FMLS said, noting that the listings are then delivered in complete sentences using the voice of Alexa:

29) 'Revolutionary': Remembering John Boyer, A Pioneer For The Deaf And Blind In Computer Science

Where the likes of Louis Braille and Abraham Nemeth made it possible for the blind to read and perform mathematics, John Boyer took it a step further. Boyer, a Madison resident who was pivotal in the development of STEM reading material for the blind, died on Jan. 17 from a bout of pneumonia. He was 86. Born in rural Minnesota without the ability to see, Boyer eventually lost his hearing from infection as a boy. From the 1960s onward, Boyer excelled as a computer programmer, a pioneer in a field then barely understood by the general public let alone widely accessible to the blind. Through Boyer's work, people who had lost their sight had greater access to science, technology, engineering and math literature:

30) How “Ski For Light” Helps The Visually And Physically Impaired Have A Great Time On The Slopes

Monday, January 23rd 2023 was the first of the four-day-long Black Hills Ski for Light event in Rapid City, South Dakota. Ski for Light is an international organization that provides adaptive ski equipment for people with physical impairments:

31) UArizona's New Project Compass To Recruit More Special Education Teachers

The University of Arizona is introducing a new program designed to increase the number of teachers serving K-12 students with visual impairments:

32) Notre Dame College Class Action Claims Website Inaccessible To Blind, Visually Impaired

Plaintiff James Murphy claims Notre Dame's website was not designed in a way that makes it independently usable for individuals who are blind or visually impaired:

33) What's Cooking Group | Hadley

4th Wednesday of Every Month, 4pm Central Time. Love to cook? Join your fellow Hadley home cooks as we explore cooking tips, tricks, and fun things to try. Share your favorite recipes, gadgets, and helpful hacks for cooking with a visual impairment:

34) Songs to Celebrate Braille Literacy | APH

Let's make some noise for braille literacy with sing-a-longs that raise awareness about braille! Family members make great band members so get together and jam to these fun tunes:

➜ Featured Webinars, Training Courses and Events

✍ Submit your access information related Webinar, Training Course or Event for consideration within this section using this form: https://accessinformationnews.com/submit-event or locate "Webinar / Training Course Submission Form" within the main menu of the Access Information News website.

January 31st 2023 | Ask Sharky: Three Reasons to Use BrailleIn | Freedom Scientific

Learn how to control your computer using your braille display and the BrailleIn feature. This event takes place on the Zoom conferencing platform and Clubhouse. Join via Zoom or download the Clubhouse app from the iOS App Store or Google Play to participate on your mobile device. Zoom link:

January 31st 2023 | A Beginner's Guide to Inclusive UX Design | TPGi

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT
Presenters: David Sloan, UX Practice Manager, and David Swallow, Principal UX Consultant. Digital channels provide an opportunity for you to effectively reach and grow your target audience, communicate with them, provide information, build brand relationships, and enable transactions. The related concepts of usability and accessibility address the importance of removing barriers to efficient, effective, and enjoyable digital interactions for all users, including users with disabilities. When barriers are present, we risk brand damage, losing our audience to competitors, and potentially unlawful discrimination against people with disabilities. Accessibility is often left to developers to deal with, but what can people who don't have coding expertise do to ensure usable and accessible digital experiences? In this webinar, accessibility and user experience specialists David Swallow and David Sloan will address that question. We'll make the argument that a focus on the needs of people with disabilities can help deliver better user experiences for everyone. We'll define key concepts of usability, accessibility and inclusive design, and provide practical tips that everyone, regardless of their role, can apply to make digital experiences more accessible and usable. Register:

February 1st 2023 | Lego Braille Bricks Live Session 5: School Aged Numeracy | APH

| Using LEGO Braille Bricks to do math: let's discover some of the many uses of these little bricks to develop numerical and geometry skills, understand symmetry, and much more:

February 7th 2023 | Health Care Decision Making, Advance Directives, and the MOLST Form | Zoom | For Residents of Maryland

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 6PM GMT
This presentation will provide general guidance and information regarding the process of making health care decisions, including how the Health Care Decisions Act, advance directives, and the Maryland MOLST form are used to carry out patients' health care decisions. Presenter: Paul J. Ballard, Assistant Attorney General, Counsel for Health Decisions Policy:

February 8th 2023 | Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights: New Webinar Series with Karen Mayer Cunningham | APH FamilyConnect

4PM PT, 5PM MT, 6PM CT, 7PM ET, 12AM GMT on 1/26
This fall, we were pleased to partner with Karen Mayer Cunningham to present two webinar series. Navigating and Negotiating Successful IEP and 504 Outcomes and Ask the Advocate provided information to parents, professionals, and school-based members. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the IEP and 504 processes as well as the opportunity to ask specific questions about their child's IEPs. These two series have been highly attended, and we have received requests for more content from Karen Mayer Cunningham, the self-proclaimed “Special Education Boss”. The positive feedback and need for more content to support parents and professionals leads to the next series of webinars. We are excited to offer the next series to continue to support parents and professionals. Procedural Safeguards: Procedural Safeguards are handed out, and many don't have a full understanding of the document. Procedural Safeguards and Rights are in place for parents and individuals with a disability between the ages of 3 to 22. Unfortunately, most parents are only asked by school-based members if they “received” their copy of the procedural rights, and would they please sign in receipt of them. While that checks a box for the school, it in no way equips the families with a knowledge of their rights and protection, nor indicates the school's legal obligation. This series will identify your rights and the difference between procedural and substantive requirements. Join the APH ConnectCenter and Karen Mayer Cunningham as we dive into Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Learn more: We hope you will join the 6-part webinar series to further your knowledge and understanding of the Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Join us at 7:00 pm EST on 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, and 3/22. Register here:

February 9th 2023 and February 10th 2023 | Second Annual 2023 ATHEN Virtual STEM Accessibility Conference: Acc3ss N0w!

ATHEN is hosting the Second Annual "2023 ATHEN Virtual STEM Accessibility Conference: Acc3ss N0w!" on February 9th and 10th 2023. Registration is free for ATHEN and AHEAD members, and low cost for non-members. Conference Details, Dates, Registration and Cost:

February 11th 2023 | Maryland Accessible Telecommunications | Technology User Group | Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (LBPD)

Formerly Maryland Relay, this state resource can help clients acquire cell phones, TTY equipment, and other communication devices. The application process is easy and highly encouraged. Learn about all of the programs offered and how you can benefit. All events are currently being held via teleconference until further notice. No programs will be held in person. Please dial (319) 527-4994 📱️ at 10:00 AM ET. For more information about the Technology User Group or to recommend a topic / technology for discussion, please contact: Jerry Price at (410) 230-2446 📱️ or via email jerry.price1@maryland.gov 📧️

February 14th 2023 | Exploring New Accessibility Frontiers with TPGi and the W3C

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT
Presenter: Matthew Atkinson, TPGi's Principal Accessibility Engineer, and W3C's Accessible Platform Architectures working group co-chair. Several of TPGi's accessibility experts work alongside many others from across industry and academia to further accessibility through the work of the W3C. There's a range of transformative and evolutionary work being done right now, thanks to a collaboration between different groups and organizations. Join Matthew Atkinson, co-chair of the W3C's Accessible Platform Architectures working group, for an overview of a few key strands of exploration and development. Topics to be covered include affording symbol users access to web content, ensuring the Web of Things is accessible to all, and making collaborative authoring accessible. Register:

February 15th 2023 | Giving Up Your Car Keys Is Not The End Of Your Independence | NFB of Maryland Senior Call

4PM PT, 5PM MT, 6PM CT, 7PM ET, 12AM GMT on 2/16
Presented by National Federation of the Blind (NFB) of Maryland Senior Division. Please join our conversation to explore the emotional decision to give up driving. Discover how to manage your life when you are no longer the one behind the wheel. When: February 15, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM ET. Where: NFB of Maryland Conference Call at (339) 209-4083 📱️. All are welcome! For more information about this event or the NFB of Maryland Senior Division please contact Marguerite Woods at (443) 271-1668 📱️ or mwoods719@gmail.com 📧️.

February 20th 2023 | Project INSPIRE: Spring 2023 | Paths To Literacy | 6 Course Offering | Deadline To Register: February 17th 2023

Project INSPIRE will be offering six courses. This includes a new course, Nemeth Code Symbols Used in High School and Strategies for Supporting Math Learning. We are offering the opportunity for you to take ONE of the courses. You may choose from the following courses:

February 22nd 2023 | Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights: New Webinar Series with Karen Mayer Cunningham | APH FamilyConnect

4PM PT, 5PM MT, 6PM CT, 7PM ET, 12AM GMT on 1/26
This fall, we were pleased to partner with Karen Mayer Cunningham to present two webinar series. Navigating and Negotiating Successful IEP and 504 Outcomes and Ask the Advocate provided information to parents, professionals, and school-based members. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the IEP and 504 processes as well as the opportunity to ask specific questions about their child's IEPs. These two series have been highly attended, and we have received requests for more content from Karen Mayer Cunningham, the self-proclaimed “Special Education Boss”. The positive feedback and need for more content to support parents and professionals leads to the next series of webinars. We are excited to offer the next series to continue to support parents and professionals. Procedural Safeguards: Procedural Safeguards are handed out, and many don't have a full understanding of the document. Procedural Safeguards and Rights are in place for parents and individuals with a disability between the ages of 3 to 22. Unfortunately, most parents are only asked by school-based members if they “received” their copy of the procedural rights, and would they please sign in receipt of them. While that checks a box for the school, it in no way equips the families with a knowledge of their rights and protection, nor indicates the school's legal obligation. This series will identify your rights and the difference between procedural and substantive requirements. Join the APH ConnectCenter and Karen Mayer Cunningham as we dive into Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Learn more: We hope you will join the 6-part webinar series to further your knowledge and understanding of the Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Join us at 7:00 pm EST on 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, and 3/22. Register here:

February 27th 2023 to March 2nd 2023 | Apply By January 23rd 2023 | Accessible Customer-Centered Communications Workshop | NSITE & Baker Communications, Inc. In Partnership

NSITE, the first organization to provide a continuum of employment services for individuals who are blind or face vision loss, has partnered with one of the leading sales training providers, Baker Communications Inc. (BCI), to offer a virtual instructor-led delivery of their Customer-Centered Communications workshop. This highly engaging and participatory accessible workshop, delivered over four consecutive days (four hours per session), covers a comprehensive six-part system of organized customer communications and selling. After the program, participants will be able to build greater trust with customers, deliver specific customer outcomes effectively, and achieve world-class customer service and sales performance. All NSITE programs are adapted for the learning styles of blind and low-vision learners. Therefore, qualified applicants who are blind or have low vision receive enrollment preference in case classes fill up. Program runs February 27 to March 2, 2023. Apply by January 23rd 2023:

February 28th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

March 6th 2023 | Lego Braille Bricks Live Session 6: Daily Living Activities | APH

Let's explore daily-living activities using LEGO Braille Bricks and share our best practices, experiences, tips:

March 8th 2023 | Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights: New Webinar Series with Karen Mayer Cunningham | APH FamilyConnect

4PM PT, 5PM MT, 6PM CT, 7PM ET, 12AM GMT on 1/26
This fall, we were pleased to partner with Karen Mayer Cunningham to present two webinar series. Navigating and Negotiating Successful IEP and 504 Outcomes and Ask the Advocate provided information to parents, professionals, and school-based members. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the IEP and 504 processes as well as the opportunity to ask specific questions about their child's IEPs. These two series have been highly attended, and we have received requests for more content from Karen Mayer Cunningham, the self-proclaimed “Special Education Boss”. The positive feedback and need for more content to support parents and professionals leads to the next series of webinars. We are excited to offer the next series to continue to support parents and professionals. Procedural Safeguards: Procedural Safeguards are handed out, and many don't have a full understanding of the document. Procedural Safeguards and Rights are in place for parents and individuals with a disability between the ages of 3 to 22. Unfortunately, most parents are only asked by school-based members if they “received” their copy of the procedural rights, and would they please sign in receipt of them. While that checks a box for the school, it in no way equips the families with a knowledge of their rights and protection, nor indicates the school's legal obligation. This series will identify your rights and the difference between procedural and substantive requirements. Join the APH ConnectCenter and Karen Mayer Cunningham as we dive into Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Learn more: We hope you will join the 6-part webinar series to further your knowledge and understanding of the Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Join us at 7:00 pm EST on 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, and 3/22. Register here:

March 11th 2023 | Using Garage Band App to Create a Song | Technology User Group | Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (LBPD)

You have seen this app on your iDevice, and maybe you have even opened it once or twice. In this presentation, you will learn how to create a song from scratch and how to make modifications. All events are currently being held via teleconference until further notice. No programs will be held in person. Please dial (319) 527-4994 📱️ at 10:00 AM ET. For more information about the Technology User Group or to recommend a topic / technology for discussion, please contact: Jerry Price at (410) 230-2446 📱️ or via email jerry.price1@maryland.gov 📧️

March 13th 2023 through March 17th 2023 | 2023 38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference

Welcome. Whether you have been attending the conference for years or are planning to attend your first, the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference, also known as the CSUN Conference, is the ultimate community experience and the premier forum on technology for all persons with disabilities. For over 37 years, California State University, Northridge's Center on Disabilities has sponsored the conference, providing a platform for researchers, practitioners, educators, exhibitors and more from around the world, where they can share knowledge, innovations, and best practices to promote inclusion for all. Building on the momentum from the 2022 conference, exciting new plans are in the works to enhance the conference experience. We encourage you to join us in Anaheim, California in 2023, where attendees can attend Pre-Conference Workshops, the yearly Keynote Address, Featured Presentations, General Sessions, Sponsor Showcase Suites and the Exhibit Hall. We also continue developing new programming to build community and networking opportunities. Check back often or follow us on social media for the latest updates, details, and deadlines. For information on sponsor or exhibitor opportunities, please visit our Opportunities page or email us at conference@csun.edu 📧️. We can't wait until the CSUN Conference community is back together to learn, share and connect:

March 15th 2023 and March 16th 2023 | 2023 3rd Annual Axe-Con | Building Accessible Experiences | The World's Largest Digital Accessibility Conference

Deque Systems, the trusted leader in digital accessibility, has announced the third annual axe-con conference will return on March 15-16th, 2023. With the success of axe-con over the past two years, Deque will continue to host the conference as a free virtual event again next year. Axe-con is an open and inclusive digital accessibility conference that welcomes developers, designers, business users, and accessibility professionals of all experience levels to a new kind of accessibility conference focused on building, testing, and maintaining accessible digital experiences:

March 21st 2023 and March 22nd 2023 | Multiple Perspectives 2023 | Americans With Disabilities Act Multiple Perspectives On Access, Inclusion, & Disability Conference | Ohio State University

"It is time to move beyond the letter of the law to the spirit of the law; to shift our focus from redressing human and environmental problems through remedial design to preventing problems through holistic design." -Leslie Kanes Weisman. As a modern land grant university, an important part of Ohio State University's mission is outreach and engagement, serving the community through a variety of activities. During the tenth anniversary year of the Americans With Disabilities Act the Multiple Perspectives On Access, Inclusion And Disability conference was created to help fulfill this mission. In short, the goal of the conference is to encourage the kind of change suggested by Leslie Kanes Weisman in the opening quote. It is hoped that the annual conference will serve as a catalyst for positive change and a springboard for collaborations with our partners in education, business, public, and social service. Each year a series of workshops will provide a forum for individuals and organizations to expand their knowledge and perspectives, and an opportunity to increase community resources through the synergy of collaboration. The workshops are designed to bring a diverse audience together to discuss the full spectrum of disability issues and experiences. To ensure broad participation from the university community, business, state and local government, educators, advocacy organizations, social service agencies, and individuals with disabilities sponsors are sought each year to subsidize conference participants. Register:

March 22nd 2023 | Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights: New Webinar Series with Karen Mayer Cunningham | APH FamilyConnect

4PM PT, 5PM MT, 6PM CT, 7PM ET, 12AM GMT on 1/26
This fall, we were pleased to partner with Karen Mayer Cunningham to present two webinar series. Navigating and Negotiating Successful IEP and 504 Outcomes and Ask the Advocate provided information to parents, professionals, and school-based members. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the IEP and 504 processes as well as the opportunity to ask specific questions about their child's IEPs. These two series have been highly attended, and we have received requests for more content from Karen Mayer Cunningham, the self-proclaimed “Special Education Boss”. The positive feedback and need for more content to support parents and professionals leads to the next series of webinars. We are excited to offer the next series to continue to support parents and professionals. Procedural Safeguards: Procedural Safeguards are handed out, and many don't have a full understanding of the document. Procedural Safeguards and Rights are in place for parents and individuals with a disability between the ages of 3 to 22. Unfortunately, most parents are only asked by school-based members if they “received” their copy of the procedural rights, and would they please sign in receipt of them. While that checks a box for the school, it in no way equips the families with a knowledge of their rights and protection, nor indicates the school's legal obligation. This series will identify your rights and the difference between procedural and substantive requirements. Join the APH ConnectCenter and Karen Mayer Cunningham as we dive into Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Learn more: We hope you will join the 6-part webinar series to further your knowledge and understanding of the Procedural Safeguards and Parental Rights. Join us at 7:00 pm EST on 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, and 3/22. Register here:

March 28th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

April 5th 2023 | Lego Braille Bricks Live Session 7: Music | APH

Let's discover together how to make music with these famous bricks! Come and share your creative ideas:

April 8th 2023 | How To Upgrade To Windows 11 | Technology User Group | Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (LBPD)

This operating system has been around for a while, and people champion its security strengths and applications. Should you upgrade, and what is that process? All events are currently being held via teleconference until further notice. No programs will be held in person. Please dial (319) 527-4994 📱️ at 10:00 AM ET. For more information about the Technology User Group or to recommend a topic / technology for discussion, please contact: Jerry Price at (410) 230-2446 📱️ or via email jerry.price1@maryland.gov 📧️

April 25th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

May 3rd 2023 | Lego Braille Bricks Live Session 8: STEM | APH

Have you ever thought of doing science, computing, or technology with LEGO Braille Bricks? Expert guests will join us for an amazing session:

May 13th 2023 | Travel Tools and Apps | Technology User Group | Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (LBPD)

Whether you are traveling to another city, state or country, we will look at tools and resources that will help you get the most assistance for your venture. All events are currently being held via teleconference until further notice. No programs will be held in person. Please dial (319) 527-4994 📱️ at 10:00 AM ET. For more information about the Technology User Group or to recommend a topic / technology for discussion, please contact: Jerry Price at (410) 230-2446 📱️ or via email jerry.price1@maryland.gov 📧️

June 2nd 2023 | ATHEN Sixth Annual Accessibility Summer Camp 2023

We would love for you to share your accessibility knowledge during our sixth annual Accessibility Summer Camp 2023! As in former years, this virtual conference is FREE for all attendees. This year's ASC event will take place on Friday, June 2, 2023, from 8:00-4:00 CST. As a conference participant you will be able to attend sessions and engage in valuable networking with like-minded professionals. We are soliciting presentations from all experience levels and backgrounds, so please visit the ASC Conference Home Page for more information and to submit a proposal. The session proposal deadline is Friday, February 17th, 2023. What is Accessibility Summer Camp (ASC)? The Accessibility Summer Camp is a FREE annual conference with the goal of connecting professionals and educators with best practices in accessibility and Universal Design. Over the past few years, the ASC conference has grown to become one of the most popular accessibility conferences in the country. Our mission is to provide accessibility professional development that empowers attendees to create high quality, accessible learning environments while removing barriers for all individuals who have a desire to learn:

May 23rd 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

June 7th 2023 | Lego Braille Bricks Live Session 9: Orientation & Mobility | APH

LEGO bricks to build plans, visualize routes, it's not new! But with LEGO Braille Bricks you can also create labels, add letters, words... Then it becomes really great:

June 27th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

July 25th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

August 22nd 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

September 26th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

October 24th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

November 28th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

December 26th 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT Next Day
4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

➜ Directories

1) Access Information Email Newsletter Directory


Access Information News Sponsor Classified Ads:

Sponsor: Pneuma Solutions

➜ Classified Advertisement: Finally! Holding Businesses Accountable

Those who need accessibility accommodations aren't strangers to jumping in with self-advocacy to achieve it. But, what about the rest of us? When explaining the benefits of a reasonable accommodation to one's place of work or school. This is where our self-advocacy kits come in. Pneuma has written up customizable email templates you can modify according to your situation. We cover a variety of different advocacy scenarios. Simply choose your scenario, answer a few simple questions, adapt the language, address it to the right person, and submit it! Self-advocacy has never been easier:

Pneuma Solutions logo.

Sponsor Since: November 7th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://pneumasolutions.com/ 🌐️

Email Newsletter: Click here to receive periodic news via email concerning Pneuma Solutions products for business, consumers and education.

Sales: (866) 202-0520 📱️

Support: (650) 249-1000 📱️

About: Backed by two decades of creating award-winning accessible cloud technologies for people with visual impairments, Pneuma Solutions is the global leader in accessible cloud-based solutions. Pneuma Solutions was founded by long-time accessibility developers Mike Calvo and Matt Campbell. For more information on their individual profiles, click on their respective bio pages. We're proud to be the first company to develop cloud-based accessibility at the network level. Our tools provide organizations, like yours, a way to deliver secure, accessible information right from your network or from our secure servers. You can provide your print disabled consumers, students, employees, and citizens with a multitude of accessible options. Additionally, we offer a suite of cloud-based applications to blind and print disabled consumers directly from our website. Our consumer products are designed to make the day-to-day lives of blind and print disabled individuals more accessible and simpler to manage. Access to information is not a privilege, it's a right. It's also your right to obtain affordable, accessible cloud solutions to serve your end user. When organizations like yours implement our tools, together we help make it a more inclusive world for people with disabilities. Want to know more about how we can help you become more inclusive?

Contact us here. We'll be happy to discuss how our tools can help with your accessibility needs.

Sponsor: Clusiv

Logo. Clusiv. Building Unseen Talent.

Sponsor Since: January 16th 2023 Calendar icon.

Website: https://clusiv.io/ 🌐️

About: As there are many challenges people in the blind community face in employment and education, Clusiv has built the world's first e-learning platform designed for the blind to provide the training, tools, and resources needed to remove barriers to the modern workforce. Our courses teach you occupational and technology skills you need towards employment. Plus, we are working to connect our graduates to internship and job opportunities. Our courses are remote, self-paced, and we provide support throughout your whole journey through our student success team, and even provide lifetime access to our courses so you can keep up to date as technology evolves. You can request Clusiv training through your vocational rehabilitation counselor and fill out the form in the link below on our website. If you are a counselor wanting to learn more about Clusiv for your clients, or an employer looking to hire Clusiv graduates, click the respective link below and fill out a form to get more info.

Person Looking To Enroll In Clusiv Courses

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Looking To Learn More About Clusiv For Their Clients

Employer Looking To Hire Clusiv Graduates

Sponsor: Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.

Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. logo.

Sponsor Since: December 29th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://lhblind.org/ 🌐️

Phone: (800) 914-7307 📱️

Fax: (206) 329-3397

Contact Us: https://lhblind.org/contact-us/

About: The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit social enterprise providing employment, support, and training opportunities for people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities. The Lighthouse has provided employment and support to people who are blind in our community since 1918.

The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. is a successful manufacturing organization with over 60 years of experience in precision machining. We produce an array of machined parts and plastic injection molding for various aerospace manufacturers, as well as a host of office products and hydration equipment sold to the Federal Government and the U.S. Military. We also own and operate stores on military bases along the West Coast. Our products and services include:

Manufacturing: We are a successful manufacturing organization committed to making jobs accessible to individuals who are blind. Our manufacturing operations center on making quality products for the Federal Government under the AbilityOne Program and producing parts for aerospace manufacturers.

Managed Services: The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. offers a variety of services to our commercial, federal, and military customers. These include Contract Management Support (CMS) services for government contracting offices.

Base Supply Centers: We operate 12 AbilityOne Base Supply Centers (BSCs) that offer easy customer access to Lighthouse products, direct feedback and communication with customers, and employment opportunities for individuals who are blind in geographic areas not served by larger nonprofit agencies.

Sponsor: Access Ready, Inc.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Access Ready Seeks Your Support at the Public Policy Level

Moving the public policy needle is both difficult and costly. Access Ready has one of the most experienced teams in the business who have shown results. We have fostered Congressional language on accessible websites, elections, healthcare, communications, and other areas touched by information and communications technologies. These efforts are costly and we need your help to continue. Become an Access Ready supporter and create an accessible future for people with disabilities:

Access Ready, Inc. logo.

Sponsor Since: December 19th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessready.org/ 🌐️

Email: info@accessready.org 📧️

Phone: (727) 531-1000 📱️

About: Access Ready Inc. is a certified, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Access Ready Inc., a nonprofit cross-disability rights advocacy organization, is to promote a policy of accessibility benefiting all people regardless of ability across information and communications technology utilized for two way communications.

The purpose of Access Ready Inc. is to educate the public and private sectors of the importance of accessible information and communications technology to the future of all people regardless of ability.

To support this education by developing initiatives that promote policies that ensure the creation and maintenance of accessible technologies utilized for two way communications at all levels which allow for easy use by people with the widest range of abilities possible.

To develop employment and business opportunities for people with disabilities that support its educational activities in the field of information and communications technology and related areas.

To provide consulting and educational services to buyers, developers, and users of information and communications technology that promotes its highest and best use in society.

To promote the concept of a technologically accessible society which fosters:

Freedom of expression, speech, and worship.
Freedom from fear, ignorance, and want.
Freedom from dishonesty, exclusion, and immorality.
Freedom of aspiration, invention, and inclusion.

Sponsor: Access Ready, Inc.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Access Ready Provides Access To The Best In The Business

If you need assistance with a new accessible website, document remediation or disability consulting of other kinds, Access Ready can help. We seek out the best in the business and bring them to you already vetted as to quality, professionalism and ability. By going through AccessReady.org to one of our qualified providers, you're not only getting the best, but supporting our advocacy and technological development efforts as well:

Access Ready, Inc. logo.

Sponsor Since: December 13th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessready.org/ 🌐️

Email: info@accessready.org 📧️

Phone: (727) 531-1000 📱️

About: Access Ready Inc. is a certified, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Access Ready Inc., a nonprofit cross-disability rights advocacy organization, is to promote a policy of accessibility benefiting all people regardless of ability across information and communications technology utilized for two way communications.

The purpose of Access Ready Inc. is to educate the public and private sectors of the importance of accessible information and communications technology to the future of all people regardless of ability.

To support this education by developing initiatives that promote policies that ensure the creation and maintenance of accessible technologies utilized for two way communications at all levels which allow for easy use by people with the widest range of abilities possible.

To develop employment and business opportunities for people with disabilities that support its educational activities in the field of information and communications technology and related areas.

To provide consulting and educational services to buyers, developers, and users of information and communications technology that promotes its highest and best use in society.

To promote the concept of a technologically accessible society which fosters:

Freedom of expression, speech, and worship.
Freedom from fear, ignorance, and want.
Freedom from dishonesty, exclusion, and immorality.
Freedom of aspiration, invention, and inclusion.

Sponsor: Access Ready, Inc.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Access Ready Seeks Guidance On New Accessible Technologies

What Technologies do you see in the market that are not accessible, but should be? What accessible technologies can you imagine that can make the lives of people with all kinds of disabilities better? We will advocate with developers to make existing technologies accessible on your behalf. We will advocate with developers to build new accessible technologies on your behalf. Give us your guidance and support. Your guidance charts our path toward what is most important. Your support funds our efforts on your behalf:

Access Ready, Inc. logo.

Sponsor Since: December 1st 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessready.org/ 🌐️

Email: info@accessready.org 📧️

Phone: (727) 531-1000 📱️

About: Access Ready Inc. is a certified, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Access Ready Inc., a nonprofit cross-disability rights advocacy organization, is to promote a policy of accessibility benefiting all people regardless of ability across information and communications technology utilized for two way communications.

The purpose of Access Ready Inc. is to educate the public and private sectors of the importance of accessible information and communications technology to the future of all people regardless of ability.

To support this education by developing initiatives that promote policies that ensure the creation and maintenance of accessible technologies utilized for two way communications at all levels which allow for easy use by people with the widest range of abilities possible.

To develop employment and business opportunities for people with disabilities that support its educational activities in the field of information and communications technology and related areas.

To provide consulting and educational services to buyers, developers, and users of information and communications technology that promotes its highest and best use in society.

To promote the concept of a technologically accessible society which fosters:

Freedom of expression, speech, and worship.
Freedom from fear, ignorance, and want.
Freedom from dishonesty, exclusion, and immorality.
Freedom of aspiration, invention, and inclusion.

Sponsor: APH ConnectCenter

➜ Classified Advertisement: Prepare For Your Future Today With The All-New APH ConnectCenter's Job Seekers Toolkit!

The APH ConnectCenter and NSITE have partnered to update the Job Seeker's Toolkit, an accessible, self-paced, free online training course. The Toolkit includes five sections covering self-awareness, career exploration tools, the preliminary employment process, the interview, and maintaining employment. We are bringing the Job Seeker's Toolkit to a larger audience and in a Learning Management System format for today's learners, at no cost. Visit APHCareerConnect.org to get started with the Job Seekers Toolkit today at:

APH ConnectCenter logo.

Sponsor Since: November 29th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://aphconnectcenter.org/ 🌐️

Email: connectcenter@aph.org 📧️

APH ConnectCenter Information and Referral Line:
(800) 232-5463 📱️

Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET

Facebook (CareerConnect) | Facebook (FamilyConnect) | Facebook (VisionAware) | Twitter | YouTube

About: The APH ConnectCenter offers curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, and job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.

➜ Classified Advertisement: A Revolution in Resolution — Menus for Everyone

No matter when, where or who, the Menus4ALL iPhone app gives you the info you need quickly. No more multiple Google searches to research menus before going out. Info is organized to give you quick access to what you are looking for — the menu! Optimized to give you the best viewing experience. No more struggling to see small print, or looking at a menu in a dimly lit restaurant. Do you use magnification, large print, VoiceOver, a braille display or Voice Control? Enjoy 750,000 fully accessible menus. Download the app today at:

Menus4ALL logo.

Sponsor Since: November 20th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.menus4all.com/ 🌐️

Email: stephanie@menus4all.com 📧️

About: 750,000 Accessible Restaurant Menus. On your iPhone ® in the palm of your hand.

App Restaurant Menu, Search and Waiter Alert Screens.

Yes, that's not a typo. The Menus4ALL iPhone app offers 500,000 accessible menus in the United States and 250,000 accessible menus in Canada.

Wherever you are and whenever you want The Menus4ALL iPhone app is the largest network of restaurant menus in one place and all of the menus are fully accessible.

Perfect for when you are out running errands and want to know what restaurants are near your current location. Great for planning a night out with friends. Favorite menus that you want to look at later or when you know you are going back for that amazing dish.

Download The App (Apple): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/menus4all/id1640547801?platform=iphone

Sponsor: WayAround

➜ Classified Advertisement: Try Talking Labels That Work With Your Smartphone For Just $9.99!

Get all the different types of WayTags so you can try the BEST accessible labeling system around. Use the coupon code TryTags to get a WayTag Sampler Pack for just $9.99. Plus, you get FREE shipping. Use the WayTags along with the free mobile app to label your things with a description and other important details, so you can spend less time figuring out what things are, and more time getting things done.

WayAround logo.

Sponsor Since: November 18th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.wayaround.com/ 🌐️

General Sales & Support: (888) 898-4465 📱️

Business Sales & Support: (888) 898-4465 📱️

Email: connect@wayaround.com 📧️

About: WayAround is the app for your smart device that provides on-demand details about everyday things. The simple tag-and-scan approach lets you quickly and easily identify things around you. It also provides extra details, like how something works or when it expires. The result? Doing more of the things you want, with more confidence and more independence.

All the information you want with just a tap of your phone. No more waiting around to ask someone. You need just two things to get started: The free mobile app for iOS or Android and some of our smart WayTags®.

Accessible labels for the blind, deafblind, and anyone with vision loss. Your biggest problem isn't poor eyesight. It's that so much of the information in the world is visual. But you shouldn't have to wait around for someone else to get the information you need. Or carry around a bulky, outdated device. There is a better way to get accurate and complete information every time. So you can reduce stress and gain independence.

Download The App (Apple): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wayaround-tag-and-scan/id1294361140?mt=8

Download The App (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wayaround.wayaround

➜ Classified Advertisement: Your Weekly Classified Advertisement Title Here (128 characters or less including spaces.)

Your weekly Classified Advertisement here.
(512 characters or less including spaces.) 

Photo indicating no profile photo or logo is present.

Sponsor Since: Today Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessinformationnews.com/ 🌐️

Phone: (855) 578-6660 📱️

Email: news@accessinformationnews.com 📧️

About: Access Information News is the world's leading not-for-profit access information news publication that reaches over 24,000 access professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week. Access Information refers to informational topics that directly affect the lives of people with disabilities. Access Information includes any and all information related to bettering the lives of people who are blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled. Access Information News is a Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication.

Access Information News is the world's leading not-for-profit access information news publication that reaches over 24,000 access professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week.

Access Information refers to informational topics that directly affect the lives of people with disabilities. Access Information includes any and all information related to bettering the lives of people who are blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled.

Access Information News offers a total of 24 Sponsorship Packages which are used to support the ongoing distribution of the publication.

Availability: There are currently  9  of  18  Sponsorship Packages available. All 18 Sponsorship Packages are offered on a first-come, first serve basis.

Waiting List: If you would like to become an Access Information News Sponsor but there are no sponsorship packages currently available, we encourage you to join our waiting list by sending an email to: sponsorships@accessinformationnews.com 📧️. Once you have joined our waiting list we will notify you the next time a current sponsor decides not to renew. You will then have 72 hours to secure your sponsorship before it is offered to the next sponsor on the list.

Pricing Options: When available you can secure one of these packages for just $300.00 USD for the next 3 months, or $1,200.00 USD for the next year. Annual sponsors gain the ability to schedule all 4 of their Featured Advertisement dates up to one year in advance.

Access Information News Supporters:

We couldn't do it without you! Thank you for your support!

Access Information News Supporters donate an amount of their choosing either one time or on an annual basis in order to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News publication.

Spacer image. QR Code. Donate a one-time amount of your choosing to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News Publication.
Spacer image.

One Time Donation: If you would like to become an Access Information News Supporter by making a one time donation in an amount of your choosing to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News publication, you may utilize this donate link, or scan the QR code to the right.

Annual Donation: If you would like to become an Access Information News Supporter by making a small annual donation to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News publication, we also offer the following options, all with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support.

Exposure: All Access Information News Supporters receive a listing within the "Our Supporters" section of each weekly newsletter, as well as a listing within the "Our Supporters" section of the Access Information News website.

Support: In tandem with Our Sponsors, these are the people that make the ongoing distribution of Access Information News possible.

Platinum Supporters:

Ornate Platinum Medallion.

Become an Access Information News Platinum Supporter today.

1.) James Hulme
Platinum Supporter since December 5th 2022.

2.) Your name here.
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Gold Supporters:

Ornate Gold Medallion.

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Access Information News Team:

Publisher: Aaron Di Blasi (Volunteer)

➜ Classified Advertisement: Is Your Business or Organization Looking to Hire a Professional, Part-Time, Remote Digital Marketer? Aaron Di Blasi, PMP, Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd., is Seeking a New Client Partnership. Hire Direct And Pay No Agency Fee.

Could your business or organization use help with your digital marketing workflow? Tasks like website administration, article assembly and publication, graphic design, website updates, email newsletter blasts and social media scheduling? Aaron Di Blasi, Owner and Sr. Project Management Professional for Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. is seeking a new client partnership. Learn more at:

Photo of Aaron Di Blasi.

Volunteer Publisher Since: November 7th 2022

Location: Mayfield Heights, Ohio

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT) (GMT-5/GMT-4)

In addition to serving as Publisher for Access Information News Aaron also serves as Publisher for the Top Tech Tidbits Publication and is also the President and Senior Project Management Professional for Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

As Publisher Aaron oversees the weekly distribution of Access Information News on behalf of Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

Aaron also serves as a Volunteer Editorial Contributor to Access Information News.

Aaron Di Blasi, PMP

Publisher (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Publisher (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

Sr. Project Management Professional (2006 - Present)
Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
Innovative ideas. Solutions that perform.
https://mvsltd.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor #1: John Hanlin (Volunteer)

Volunteer Editorial Contributor Since: November 7th 2022

Location: Boulder, Colorado

Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time (MST/MDT) (GMT-7/GMT-6)

In addition to serving as an Editorial Contributor to Access Information News, John also serves as an Editorial Contributor to the Top Tech Tidbits Publication and is also an attorney-at-law specializing in long-term disability claims for blind and visually impaired persons.

John is also a long-time contractor and member of the Board of Trustees at Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

John Hanlin, Esq.

Editorial Contributor (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

Board of Trustees (2006 - Present)
Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
Innovative ideas. Solutions that perform.
https://mvsltd.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor #2: Jenna Lang (Volunteer)

Volunteer Editorial Contributor Since: November 7th 2022

Location: Des Moines, Iowa

Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST/CDT) (GMT-6/GMT-5)

In addition to serving as an Editorial Contributor to Access Information News, Jenna also serves as an Editorial Contributor to the Top Tech Tidbits Publication and runs her own advocacy foundation.

Jenna also serves as a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) for Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

Jenna's son was born blind and she is always seeking new and innovative ways to empower him through technology.

Jenna Lang, PMP

Editorial Contributor (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

Project Management Professional (2022 - Present)
Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
Innovative ideas. Solutions that perform.
https://mvsltd.com 🌐️

Access Information News Subscription Information:


Access Information News is the world's leading not-for-profit access information news publication that reaches over 24,000 blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week. Subscribe here. Review the archive here. Access Information News is a Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication. Publisher: Aaron Di Blasi. Contributing Editors: John Hanlin, Jenna Lang and David Woodbridge. Access Information News is a sponsor and reader supported publication.


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Five stylized access logos, a long cane user, hearing aid user, full braille cell, fingers signing interpreter, and enlarged print.

Information provided by:
Access Information News
https://accessinformationnews.com/  🌐

A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication

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