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Access Information News. The Week's News in Access Information. Symbol: Revolving Blue Globe. Six square boxes of the same size stacked two over four show people with different abilities using access information to improve their life. In the background, forty-eight square boxes of the same size stacked in six rows of eight. Inside each box is a photo of a person with a disability using access information to improve their life.





Access Information News Seeks Two Editorial Contributors To Join Our Team. Some Restrictions Apply. New Benefits Now Available. Deadline To Apply: January 31st 2023. Everything You Need To Know.

Released: 1/9/2023

Author: Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher, Access Information News

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Access Information News. The Week's News in Access Information. Symbol: Revolving Blue Globe. Six square boxes of the same size stacked two over four show people with different abilities using access information to improve their life. In the background, forty-eight square boxes of the same size stacked in six rows of eight. Inside each box is a photo of a person with a disability using access information to improve their life.

Are you a long-time access professional, educator, advocate or enthusiast looking to boost exposure to your own products, services or message, while helping out the access community?

If this sounds like you, I would very much like to invite you to consider applying for one of the following opportunities.


Just as we did for the Top Tech Tidbits publication we would very much like to expand and diversify the weekly news offered by Access Information News as well. And the very best way to do that is to partner with additional access professionals that are able to contribute their unique experience and perspective to the newsletter on a regular basis. Now, with that said, there has been a great deal of discussion here at HQ about how exactly to seek out these partners, and how best to compensate them for their ongoing contributions.

The first and most obvious idea was to do exactly what we had already done for Tidbits. But this model has not worked out quite as well as we initially anticipated, and therefore may ultimately be replaced by this new model, if it is successful in helping us to locate and retain quality Editorial Contributors for the Access Information News publication.

New Editorial Contributor Benefits

So here's what we've decided to try. We cannot offer direct monetary compensation to Editorial Contributors because the publication itself still has not been fully funded, and even when/if it is fully funded (fingers and toes crossed) there are no dollars built in for additional editors.

We, meaning myself, Publisher Aaron Di Blasi, along with Editorial Contributor John Hanlin and Editorial Contributor Jenna Lang volunteer our time to both publications because we each have a vested interest in both Mind Vault and accessibility, and as such very much wish to see its not-for-profit projects succeed. So this acts as our compensation. Which leaves us only one remaining asset that we can offer to other, potential Editorial Contributors. And fortunately it is one that we have in abundance. Exposure.

So we've decided to create a new section within the newsletter which debuts in today's issue that lists each Editorial Contributor along with a brief bio. In addition, each Editorial Contributor will now have the ability to run a single Classified Advertisement directly underneath their bio in each weekly issue of Access Information News. Effectively giving our Editorial Contributors some of the very same exposure that our paid sponsors currently enjoy. With 52 issues per year reaching over 35,000 access information subscribers per week it is our sincerest hope that this new incentive will bring to Access Information News the kind of Editorial Contributors that we've been looking for. Which brings us to the next question.

What, exactly, will an Editorial Contributor to Access Information News be required to do?

If selected as an Editorial Contributor to Access Information News you would be required to submit for publication 3 articles minimum, 4 articles maximum, by or before 6:00 PM ET, at least two Sundays out of each calendar month. To be clear, these are not articles that you will write, but articles that you will locate on the internet. If you miss more than two Sundays in a single calendar month your profile will be removed and a new Editorial Contributor will take your place. We encourage you to source your articles all week long as opposed to the Sunday before they are due for submission. This will make your submissions much more relevant and diverse. Each article submission must include three things. (1) a title, (2) an abstract and (3) a link to read the full article online. An abstract is just 2-3 sentences summarizing what the article is about. You do not have to write the abstract yourself. The first few lines of the article will generally suffice. But what you do have to be really good at is locating and identifying current, trending and quality access news. We monitor a lot of access news outlets here at HQ so we always pickup the most trending access news articles, but we're looking for Editorial Contributors that can provide the publication with gems that we are not able to locate so easily. Little known access resources. Up and coming access opportunities. Inside scoops. Rumored products and services. I think you get the idea.

Submission Quality and Relevance

Each of your submissions will be reviewed for quality and relevance and must be approved by 2 out of 3 of our approval editors (Aaron, John and Jenna) in order to be published.


We reserve the right to terminate any Editorial Contributor agreement without explanation or notice.


Because both the Access Information News and Top Tech Tidbits publications are committed to delivering unbiased access information news, we must be very careful not to create any conflict-of-interest, real or perceived, between our Editorial Team and our Sponsors.

Therefore, we will be unable to select you for an Editorial Contributor position if you are an active Sponsor of either publication, as there may be some editorial rollover. In addition, you cannot be actively employed by any sponsor of either publication. Past employees of current sponsors are fine. Current employees of past sponsors are fine. But current employees of current sponsors will not be considered. You may also want to weigh this in the event your current employer decides to become a sponsor of either publication in the future. Should they do so, and you are an active Editorial Contributor at the time, we would no longer be able to offer you that position. Effective upon the start of their sponsorship. You understand and agree to this prior to application.


In the past we've utilized an online form that potential candidates can fill out to apply, but readers have expressed that email is much easier. So that's what we're going to use.

If you meet each of the qualifications outlined above, have the skills for tracking down current and relevant access news articles, and would like to give back to the access community, all while increasing exposure to your own products, services or message, I encourage you to apply today by answering the following 4 questions via email.

Please feel free to copy and paste the paragraph below into an email and simply fill it out.

To: editors@accessinformationnews.com 📧️
1.) Name: REPLACE
2.) Current Employer: REPLACE
3.) Application: I would like to be considered for an Editorial Contributor position with Access Information News because I feel that my expertise, qualifications and experience in the following areas would benefit readers all over the world, each week. REPLACE
4.) Waiting List: If your application is not chosen during this round would you like to be put on our waiting list to be considered for future openings? REPLACE


We will close submissions for this first round of Editorial Contributors on January 31st 2023 and announce new selections by or before February 6th 2023.

Depending on the volume of responses I will do my very best to follow up on each application individually, regardless of whether you are chosen during this round or not. But if responses are too high we may need to announce via the newsletter, so please be sure to tune in each week for updates.

We look forward to working with you!

Aaron Di Blasi, PMP

Publisher (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Publisher (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

Sr. Project Management Professional (2006 - Present)
Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
Innovative ideas. Solutions that perform.
https://mvsltd.com 🌐️

Digital Marketing Associate, Meta Certified (2022 - Present) ✔
Social Marketing Professional, Hootsuite Certified (2020 - Present) ✔
Email Marketing Professional, Constant Contact Certified (2019 - Present) ✔

Specializing in:

Digital Strategy and Content Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Online Fundraising and ADA, WCAG and Section 508 Compliance.

Email: news@accessinformationnews.com 📧️
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A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication: https://toptechtidbits.com

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