Access Information News Publisher Updates for January 23rd 2023
Released: 1/23/2023
Author: Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher, Access Information News
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Updates below for all members of the Access Information News community. These are general updates for the week of January 23rd 2023:
We open this week with a quick note about content sharing between Access Information News And Top Tech Tidbits.
I would just like to clarify, for all readers, that the "Featured Webinars, Training Courses and Events" calendar and our list of access "Directories" are the only two sections shared between the Access Information News and Top Tech Tidbits publications.
The weekly news reported by each publication is completely, wholly, and totally different, and it always will be.
We will never duplicate news content between the two publications unless the news represents what we classify as an "Urgent Access Notification." This is any access news item that might cause harm or reduce benefits to the people that need to know about it if not delivered in a timely fashion. Think recalls on access equipment, outage updates, or new, major access services.
Outside of these rare occurrences you can rest assured that the weekly news provided by each publication will always be unique. This is, after all, the very reason that AIN was spun off from the Top Tech Tidbits publication in the first place. To reduce the amount of content within each newsletter while giving readers even more flexibility to choose exactly what kind of access news they wish to receive.
I would also like to address any concerns that AIN was created purely to make more money. Precisely the opposite is true. AIN, just like TTT, is a not-for-profit project, which means that it makes no more money than the exact amount required to operate it. Which also means that Mind Vault has to fund it until it does. There has even been discussion, on more than one occasion, about eventually turning both publications into actual nonprofit entities, so that all of your support and sponsorship dollars would become tax-deductible. Something I know sponsors would really appreciate. But that, in itself, has its own costs, so we have kept both publications in-house as not-for-profit projects. And will do so for the foreseeable future.
Mind Vault agreed to take on Access Information News for the very same reason that it agreed to take on Top Tech Tidbits back in June of 2020. To provide mainstream digital marketing services to the disabled community at large. A community that has not historically had access to these services in any form.
And so far the response has been incredible. Even better than we anticipated. From both readers and sponsors alike. So we don't plan to stop here. But we do have to get each project to fund itself before we can move onto the next. So that will continue to be our focus, at least until AIN is able to fund its own distribution. Something I am confident we should be able to do with the support of just a few more sponsors.
So if you know of an access business or organization that would benefit from reaching over 33,000 access professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week, please encourage them to learn more about AIN. I promise you we'll take good care of them.
Which brings me to the end of this week's updates. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Thanks so much for reading. We look forward to keeping you informed.
Aaron Di Blasi, PMP
Publisher (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️
Publisher (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️
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A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication: https://toptechtidbits.com