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Access Information News. The Week's News in Access Information. Symbol: Revolving Blue Globe. Six square boxes of the same size stacked two over four show people with different abilities using access information to improve their life. In the background, forty-eight square boxes of the same size stacked in six rows of eight. Inside each box is a photo of a person with a disability using access information to improve their life.

Access Information News for Monday, September 25, 2023 - Volume 929

The Week's News in Access Information

A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication

Access Information News. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access information.

Subscribers: 10,289 Opt-In Subscribers were sent this issue via email. 35 Premium Subscribers were sent this issue via email.

This Week's Featured Advertisement: Access Ready Asks What If?

On the left is the Access Ready logo. On the right is a photo of Access Ready Chair and CEO Douglas George Towne smiling next to a real American bald eagle. The eagle smiles along with Douglas from atop it's caretaker's hand.

The accessibility features of information and communications technology (ICT), products and services, didn't cost developers anything? Maintaining the accessibility of ICT didn't cost developers anything? Developers could get paid for including the accessibility of ICT, so it ended up costing nothing? People with disabilities were employed to verify accessibility while costing developers nothing? Accessibility experts got paid while costing developers nothing? The cost of upgrading ICT systems at the retail level cost nothing. The excuse that accessibility costs too much simply went away. Talk to Access Ready to find out how:
chair-ceo@accessready.org 📧️

Ongoing Distribution Made Possible By Support From: Pneuma Solutions, WayAround, APH ConnectCenter, Access Ready, Inc., Total Tech Solutions, LLC, Eyes on Success, Empish J. Thomas, Hadley and the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI). Learn more about Sponsorship today at: https://accessinformationnews.com/sponsor.

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Submit your Access Information News Item for free, with timing and placement determined by our editors, here: https://accessinformationnews.com/submit-news. Submit a Sponsored News Article, with timing and placement determined by you, here: https://accessinformationnews.com/submit-sponsored-news.

1) Top 5 Most Clicked Access Information News Articles From Last Week

A.) Accessibility Support Phone Lines You Should Know | Ophthalmic Edge

With a welcomed emphasis on accessibility and inclusion, numerous companies now offer specialized support services for customers with vision loss. They are there to help you get the most out of their products and to ensure your devices are set right to accommodate your needs. This is an effort we greatly appreciate and are delighted to spread the word:

B.) The Best And Weirdest Gadgets Coming To Homes Soon | Tim Biggs | The Sydney Morning Herald

From robot helpers to smart home sensors, all the latest connected tech was present last week at IFA, the world's largest consumer electronics show in Berlin. We sat through the livestreams and pored through the press releases, and here are some of the smartest and weirdest innovations potentially coming soon to a home near you:

C.) Lego Braille Bricks Review | Tim Dixon

The Lego Group started shipping their Lego Braille Bricks (40656) to consumers on the 1st of September 2023 amidst widespread excitement. My set has arrived, and I wanted to provide a short Lego Braille Bricks review:

D.) Signia Introduces Hearing Aid Tech for Noisy Group Conversations

Hearing aid provider Signia, part of WS Audiology, launched a new technology called Integrated Xperience that enables hearing aid wearers to hear all speakers in noisy group conversations clearly. Even when speakers move or the wearer turns their head, the hearing aids ensure improved speech understanding:

Publisher (Di Blasi): As a sighted Project Manager serving blind team members all over the world for almost 20 years now, I concur with the views expressed in this article.
Life of a Blind Girl: Working as a blind social media professional has its challenges at times. It's also incredibly rewarding. I wouldn't change my job for the world. It's not lost on me that I couldn't do my job without the support of my incredible team. They don't bat an eyelid when we have to find a workaround for a visual task, or when I ask for support. Most importantly, they see what I can do, not what I can't do. One of those incredible team members is my wonderful colleague Becky. From the day she joined our team, I knew that we shared the same values. We both want to see more blind and partially sighted people working in communications, and we want the social media world to be accessible for everyone:

2) Sponsorship Packages Currently Available

Are you an access-based person, business or organization whose products, services or message would benefit from reaching over 35,000 access information readers each week? If so, please consider becoming a Sponsor today for just $100 a month, paid either monthly, quarterly or annually. Annual Paying Sponsors receive 5 Featured Advertisements for the year, rather than 4, and gain the additional benefit of being able to schedule their Featured Advertisements up to one year in advance. If you've been looking for a way to consistently reach the largest audience of opt-in access information subscribers in the world today, at a nearly negligible price point, please consider becoming an Access Information News Sponsor while packages last. Availability: There are currently 6 Access Information News Sponsorship Packages available:

3) Premium Subscriber Updates

Next Issue: Premium Subscribers will receive their 3rd Issue of the 60 Most Clicked Access News Articles for July, August and September of 2023 on Monday, October 2, 2023. Back Issues: There are currently 2 back issues available. Premium Subscribers are entitled to all back issues, anytime they sign up. All available back issues will be sent to you via email within 24 hours of purchasing your subscription. Please Join Us: If you would like to support the ongoing weekly distribution of free and unbiased access news while receiving a perfectly formatted and searchable Word Document with each of the 60 Most Clicked Access News Articles of the last 3 months listed neatly within it, please consider joining us today for just $1 a month:

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6) Nearly Half Of Women With Disabilities Report Experiencing Sexual Harassment Or Assault At Work, Poll Finds | Sara Luterman | The 19th News

A new 19th / SurveyMonkey Poll is among the first to shed light on sexual violence faced by women with disabilities in the workplace:

7) This Face Looks Redacted: The Be My Eyes Faces Controversy Explained | David Redmond | National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI)

Last week in one of our work meetings we were talking about the incredible new AI feature from Be My Eyes. Out of the blue, my colleague Mairead mentioned that she'd had trouble getting the app to describe a photo in her photo library the night before. "That can't be right," we said in unison, Be My Eyes could never fail. But it did! My colleague Joe tried it without success, and then I attempted it too, and had issues. Something was seriously wrong. We soon realized that the app had gone from simply blurring faces to outright blocking any image with a face, effectively rendering this game-changing tech useless in many situations:

8) Federal Lawsuits Allege 'Systemic Discrimination' Of Disabled Kids In Alabama Facilities

Six federal lawsuits were filed on September 20, 2023 against Alabama Department of Human Resources Commissioner Nancy Buckner and State Superintendent Eric Mackey for their agencies' roles in committing alleged "flagrant violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act:"

9) Project Gutenberg Releases 5,000 Free Audiobooks Using Neural Text-To-Speech Technology

Audiobooks have gained popularity in recent years due to their accessibility, but recording them can be difficult and expensive. Researchers recently demonstrated an automated method using synthetic text-to-speech that solves numerous problems facing the technology and could enable ordinary users to generate audiobooks:

10) Step-By-Step Guidance For Visually Impaired Travelers Now Available At Honolulu Airport | Hawai'i Public Radio

A free, step-by-step call service that helps the blind and visually impaired is now available at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. The Hawai'i Association of the Blind is sponsoring a one-year program that makes the professional call service Aira available to anyone at the airport. Customers can call agents with Aira, who can direct customers to check-in counters, gates and other areas of the airport. The Aira app can be installed on users' phones:

11) Exploring Envision Glasses in Mystery Shopping: A Case Study | Envision

Putting the Envision Glasses to use, Vicky, our very own community manager, illuminates the transformative potential of Envision Glasses through her mystery shopping assignments. Harnessing the innovative features of these smart glasses, Vicky embarks on tasks that were once perceived as challenging for people who are blind or have low vision:

12) Explore Museums at Your Own Pace with Audio Description | APH ConnectCenter

If you're blind or have low vision, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to enjoy the visual arts — such as paintings, sculptures, and other artifacts in various museums. Some people go to museums with friends or family who describe the art to them, but some museums offer audio descriptions so you can wander through a museum at your own pace. Sheila Young, the Chair of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) Audio Description Project (ADP) subcommittee on Performing Arts, Museums and Parks, says they're working to get more museums to include audio description in their offerings:

13) Robots Could Replace Guide Dogs For The Blind | The Sun | YouTube

Could this four-legged 'Robodog' eventually replace guide dogs? Its Swiss developers are testing its ability to navigate the real world — and keep a blind or visually impaired person safe. And they say it could have applications even beyond that. The team at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology say they've put together a commercially available robotic dog — and their own sensors and software. Researcher Davide Plozza explains how it works:

14) Be My Eyes And AI: Transforming Lives Through A Camera Lens | Siobhan Meade | Blind Girl Blogs

In a world where technology is rapidly advancing, AI, or artificial intelligence, has become a topic of discussion across various online platforms and social media channels. As someone who has been using Be My Eyes for many years, I've personally experienced the incredible capabilities of the app and more recently AI and the profound impact it has on the lives of people who are blind or vision impaired:

15) Social Security Overpays Billions to People, Many on Disability. Then It Demands the Money Back. | KFF Health News

Justina Worrell, 47, works part time as a kitchen helper in an Ohio nursing home. She has cerebral palsy, an intellectual disability, and a cardiac condition that required she get an artificial heart valve at age 20. A year ago, she was earning $862 a month and receiving about $1,065 in monthly Social Security disability benefits when a letter arrived from the federal government. The Social Security Administration had been overpaying her, the letter said, and wanted money back. Within 30 days, it said, she should mail the government a check or money order. For $60,175.90:

16) New Project To Make Data Curation Accessible

JooYoung Seo, assistant professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has been awarded a $649,921 Early Career Development grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS grant RE-254891-OLS-23), under the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, which supports "developing a diverse workforce of librarians to better meet the changing learning and information needs of the American public by enhancing the training and professional development of librarians, developing faculty and library leaders, and recruiting and educating the next generation of librarians:"

17) Choosing The Right Assistive Tech Service Provider | Thriver

This guide will explain how to choose assistive technologies and what to look for in a great assistive technology service provider:

18) Unlocking Opportunities: Making The World More Accessible Through DisabilityTech | Perkins School For The Blind

DisabilityTech is a field of technology focused on adaptable, assistive, and inclusive solutions for people with disabilities:

19) 6 Reasons Why a Kindle Unlimited Subscription Is Worth It

Reading books can be an expensive hobby. Luckily, there are services like Kindle Unlimited to get the best bang for your buck:

20) Why Do Drive-Through ATMs Have Braille? | Even Grounds

Drive-through ATMs with Braille buttons have long perplexed many, giving rise to questions, jokes, and urban legends. After all, blind individuals don't drive, so why would there be Braille on machines explicitly designed for drivers? As it turns out, the presence of Braille is based on a combination of practical, legal, and manufacturing reasons. This article delves into the explanations behind this seemingly contradictory design choice:

21) What An Economist Article Says About Website Accessibility And Lawsuits | Thomas Logan | Equal Entry

When a major worldwide publication writes about accessible websites, we take notice. That's exactly what happened when the Economist published Lawsuits over disabled Americans' access to websites have surged. This article focuses on the large increase in lawsuits related to websites not complying with the ADA. It targets litigants who bring in many lawsuits on behalf of a few plaintiffs:

22) Bookshare Summer Symposium 2023 Highlights: Giving Our Students Choice and Voice

Enjoy our rundown of this year's Bookshare Summer Symposium, highlighting the experts, educators, and students who shared at July's event:

23) Access Living Sues White Sox For Ticket Sales Discrimination

A new legal battle involving the team at 35th and Shields has emerged. Access Living, a leading force in the disability community, has announced a lawsuit against the Chicago White Sox for discriminatory ticket sales practices. Below is a copy of the obtained press release in its entirety:

24) Is Delta's New Wheelchair Seat the Solution to Accessible Air Travel? | Medium: Subscription Required

The pros and cons of Delta's newest innovation:

25) How Serious Are We When It Comes To Accessibility? Time To Put Up Or Shut Up! | Award Winning Sight Loss Coach, Advocate and Author Donna Jodhan

We need to get out of the bad habit of just being content to talk the walk and to replace this with walk the talk. Too many of us are just content to sit back and wait for something to happen! Well! It is not going to happen for as long as we allow entities to get away with a lack of accountability and transparency! Just my two cents for today:

26) A Federal Agency Wants To Give Safety Tips To Young Adults. So It's Dropping An Album | NPR

The federal agency responsible for promoting the safety of consumer products has employed plenty of tactics over the years, from recalls to regulations to PSAs. Now, the Consumer Product Safety Commission is trying a new — and catchier — approach: It's released an album:

➜ Featured Webinars, Training Courses and Events

Submit your access information related Webinar, Training Course or Event for consideration within this section using this form: https://accessinformationnews.com/submit-event.

September 26, 2023 | White House Forum on Disability Rights

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT
On September 26, the White House is hosting a forum on Disability Rights for the 50th Anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The virtual event is open to the public. The event will take place from 1:00 - 4:30 PM ET. ASL and CART will be provided:

September 26, 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

September 26, 2023 | Web Accessibility - DOJ Listening Session: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Title II Website/App Accessibility

An opportunity to learn more about proposed web accessibility regulations and how to comment on them. The Great Lakes ADA Center is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a "Listening Session" with representatives from the Disability Rights Section of the U.S. Department of Justice regarding their Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding the Accessibility of Web Information and Services for State and Local Government (Title II entities). DOJ issued the NPRM on July 25th with public comments due no later than October 3, 2023. Individuals have a variety of options for submitting comments including electronically and in writing. This session provides individuals an opportunity to give verbal comments to DOJ via the Listening Session format. Registration deadline is 9/25/2023 or until maximum registration is reached. Individuals must establish an account on our website in order to register. Method: Via Zoom. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities" (NPRM) on July 25, 2023. This NPRM proposes a specific technical standard that state and local governments would have to follow to meet their existing obligations under Title II of the ADA for web and mobile app accessibility. The NPRM asks the public for comments about this proposal. To this end, the Great Lakes ADA Center in collaboration with the ADA National Network are hosting a "Listening Session" with representatives from the Disability Rights Section, U.S. Department of Justice regarding the proposed rule Individuals are invited to join this session and share your thoughts in support or against any or all of these proposed regulations. This is not a Q&A session. The Department of Justice will not discuss or be able to respond to any questions during this session. The intent is for DOJ to hear from interested persons and entities. This session will not be recorded and there are no continuing education recognition credits available for this session. Participants are encouraged to review the NPRM in advance of the session as well as the Fact Sheet on the NPRM prepared by DOJ in order to be prepared to comment. This session will have Real-Time Captioning and Sign Language Interpreters Available. Contact (877) 232-1990 📱️ or email webinars@adaconferences.org 📧️ with questions. Register at:

September 26, 2023 | Ask Sharky: Five JAWS Power Tips for Online Shopping

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT
We'll discuss common challenges of shopping online, plus offer five power tips for overcoming them. Zoom conferencing platform and Clubhouse Join via Zoom or download the Clubhouse app from iOS App Store or Google Play to participate on your mobile device. Zoom link:

September 27, 2023 | Basic Internet Browsing with JAWS (Assistive Technology Webinar) | Access Ingenuity

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT
Are you apprehensive about surfing the internet with JAWS, or do you want to understand the basics of web browsing with JAWS? Join Marisa Church and Ian Ramos from Access Ingenuity as we discuss some basic terminology, demonstrate great techniques, and explore helpful tools to lay the foundation for effectively navigating web pages. Learning Outcomes & Zoom Webinar Information. Explain the layout of a browser window with basic terms. Present basic navigating commands. Activate some JAWS tools to enhance the browsing experience:

September 27, 2023 | How to Write an Accessibility Statement | TPGi

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT
We'll cover the various purposes for and key information to include in a website accessibility statement. Plus, we'll evaluate real-world examples of accessibility statements. Each attendee gains a template format to publish their own website accessibility statement. This webinar evaluates real-world examples of accessibility statements and answers frequently asked questions such as: Who at an organization should write an accessibility statement? Should the statement be written by an attorney? Should the statement explicitly acknowledge the parts of the website or application which do not conform to accessibility guidelines? Should the statement offer phone support or alternative options if a user finds the website to be inaccessible? The objective is for each attendee to come away with a clear approach for their own organization, whether it's a small business or a global brand. Join us for a lively discussion of website accessibility statements:

September 29, 2023 | Blindness and Mental Health Webinar | Accessible Pharmacy

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT
Please join us as we discuss mental health in the blind and low vision community. Expert presenters will discuss: Psychology and therapy for the blind community. Medications and genomic testing. Peer and community support resources. 988 Mental Health Hotline information:

October 4, 2023 | FEMA Nationwide EAS Test

11:20AM PT, 12:20PM MT, 1:20PM CT, 2:20PM ET, 6:20PM GMT
FEMA, in coordination with the FCC, will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall. The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests are scheduled to begin at 2:20pm ET on Wednesday, October 4. The EAS portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. This will be the seventh nationwide EAS test:

October 10, 2023 | Modernizing the Patient Experience with Self Check-in

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT
Self-Service kiosks are becoming more ubiquitous in healthcare with the intentions of improving the patient check-in experience. Providing patients with disabilities full access to self-check-in kiosks increases adoption rates and elevates the overall efficiency of your facilities. Join KIOSK and TPGi to learn about the importance of digital accessibility and considerations to facilitate ADA compliance in your self-check-in kiosks. Register today:

October 11, 2023 | Five Screen Reader Accessibility Tests You Should Always Do | TPGi

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT
Presenter: Charlie Pike, Platform Success Lead. In this practical, hands-on session, we will show you five screen reader checks everyone should be doing on their websites and applications. Thanks to TPGi's screen reader testing tool, the tests require little knowledge of accessibility. JAWS Inspect makes screen reader compatibility testing easy regardless of your role in your organization. Register today:

October 13, 2023 | Blindness and Clinical Trials Webinar | Accessible Pharmacy

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT
Please join us as we discuss clinical trials for the blind and low vision community with these expert presenters: Ben Shaberman, VP Science Communications Foundation Fighting Blindness. Marin Allen, former Deputy Director of Communications, National Institute of Health. Maggie Cashion, Clinical Research Manager, Prism Vision Group:

October 24, 2023 | Creating a Sustainable Digital Accessibility Business Plan | Accessibility.com

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT
Every business needs a digital accessibility plan. Learn how to craft one for your business, no matter the size, that is sustainable as your business grows:

October 24, 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

November 6, 2023 through November 10, 2023 | Accessing Higher Ground | Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD)

Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference. Hilton Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado:

November 28, 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

December 1, 2023 and December 2, 2023 | Blind Health Expo 2023 | Exhibitor and Attendee Registration Now Open

The Blind Health Expo is the largest virtual event of healthcare information, products, services, and medication for individuals in the blind, low vision, and disability communities. Exhibitors can: Register for free. Interact with thousands of attendees. Showcase their products and services:

December 26, 2023 | Tech It Out | Monthly Hadley Discussion Group

4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM CT. Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

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Sponsor: Total Tech Solutions, LLC

Total Tech Solutions, LLC logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Be My AI Fun

I apologize for poking fun at Be My AI, but I couldn't resist having a little bit of fun. Join us at:

Sponsor Since: April 4, 2023 Calendar icon.

Website: https://blindtech.org/ 🌐️

About: TTS (Total Tech Solutions) is a startup technology company owned and operated in the Dallas Fort Worth area which specializes in offering services for the blind and visually impaired. While this is it's main focus, TTS also caters to the general public. Since its founding, TTS continues to make strides in demonstrating the countless ways blind and visually impaired individuals can contribute in all aspects of the workforce. This is one of the reasons why this company chooses to hire applicants who are visually impaired; to prove that there is a place in society for persons of any type of visual impairment, and to create a positive environment so one can thrive, live life to their fullest potential and to be a positive example to their communities and their families.

Shop: BlindShell Classic | Shop: ARxWear | Shop: All Products | Services | Events | About | Contact Us

Sponsor: Clusiv

Clusiv logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Clusiv Is The World's First eLearning Platform Built For And By People Who Are Blind. Our Courses Are Designed To Equip People Who Are Blind Or Visually Impaired For Employment In The Modern Workforce. Learn More At Clusiv.Io.

Navigating the employment process can be challenging if you are blind or visually impaired. Technology is difficult to figure out, there is a lot of extra material to learn, and there isn't much quality training available.

That's where Clusiv comes in. We help to provide the training you need to succeed in the modern workforce. Our courses teach assistive technology skills and how to apply those skills to many of the business software programs used in the modern workforce, such as email, Microsoft and Google apps, video conferencing, and more. We also teach soft skills such as resume and interview preparation, disclosures and accommodations, internet safety, and financial literacy. Lastly, our training can teach specific career skills, such as becoming an accessibility analyst. Plus, our courses are self-paced.

To learn more, visit https://clusiv.io/ and fill out a form with your information. We work with state vocational rehabilitation agencies to provide access to our course content.

Sponsor Since: January 16th 2023 Calendar icon.

Website: https://clusiv.io/ 🌐️

About: As there are many challenges people in the blind community face in employment and education, Clusiv has built the world's first e-learning platform designed for the blind to provide the training, tools, and resources needed to remove barriers to the modern workforce. Our courses teach you occupational and technology skills you need towards employment. Plus, we are working to connect our graduates to internship and job opportunities. Our courses are remote, self-paced, and we provide support throughout your whole journey through our student success team, and even provide lifetime access to our courses so you can keep up to date as technology evolves. You can request Clusiv training through your vocational rehabilitation counselor and fill out the form in the link below on our website. If you are a counselor wanting to learn more about Clusiv for your clients, or an employer looking to hire Clusiv graduates, click the respective link below and fill out a form to get more info.

Person Looking To Enroll In Clusiv Courses

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Looking To Learn More About Clusiv For Their Clients

Employer Looking To Hire Clusiv Graduates

Sponsor: Access Ready, Inc.

Access Ready, Inc. logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Access Ready Seeks Your Support at the Public Policy Level

Moving the public policy needle is both difficult and costly. Access Ready has one of the most experienced teams in the business who have shown results. We have fostered Congressional language on accessible websites, elections, healthcare, communications, and other areas touched by information and communications technologies. These efforts are costly and we need your help to continue. Become an Access Ready supporter and create an accessible future for people with disabilities:

Sponsor Since: December 19th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessready.org/ 🌐️

Email: info@accessready.org 📧️

Phone: (727) 531-1000 📱️

About: Access Ready Inc. is a certified, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Access Ready Inc., a nonprofit cross-disability rights advocacy organization, is to promote a policy of accessibility benefiting all people regardless of ability across information and communications technology utilized for two way communications.

The purpose of Access Ready Inc. is to educate the public and private sectors of the importance of accessible information and communications technology to the future of all people regardless of ability.

To support this education by developing initiatives that promote policies that ensure the creation and maintenance of accessible technologies utilized for two way communications at all levels which allow for easy use by people with the widest range of abilities possible.

To develop employment and business opportunities for people with disabilities that support its educational activities in the field of information and communications technology and related areas.

To provide consulting and educational services to buyers, developers, and users of information and communications technology that promotes its highest and best use in society.

To promote the concept of a technologically accessible society which fosters:

Freedom of expression, speech, and worship.
Freedom from fear, ignorance, and want.
Freedom from dishonesty, exclusion, and immorality.
Freedom of aspiration, invention, and inclusion.

Sponsor: Access Ready, Inc.

Access Ready, Inc. logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Access Ready Provides Access To The Best In The Business

If you need assistance with a new accessible website, document remediation or disability consulting of other kinds, Access Ready can help. We seek out the best in the business and bring them to you already vetted as to quality, professionalism and ability. By going through AccessReady.org to one of our qualified providers, you're not only getting the best, but supporting our advocacy and technological development efforts as well:

Sponsor Since: December 13th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessready.org/ 🌐️

Email: info@accessready.org 📧️

Phone: (727) 531-1000 📱️

About: Access Ready Inc. is a certified, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Access Ready Inc., a nonprofit cross-disability rights advocacy organization, is to promote a policy of accessibility benefiting all people regardless of ability across information and communications technology utilized for two way communications.

The purpose of Access Ready Inc. is to educate the public and private sectors of the importance of accessible information and communications technology to the future of all people regardless of ability.

To support this education by developing initiatives that promote policies that ensure the creation and maintenance of accessible technologies utilized for two way communications at all levels which allow for easy use by people with the widest range of abilities possible.

To develop employment and business opportunities for people with disabilities that support its educational activities in the field of information and communications technology and related areas.

To provide consulting and educational services to buyers, developers, and users of information and communications technology that promotes its highest and best use in society.

To promote the concept of a technologically accessible society which fosters:

Freedom of expression, speech, and worship.
Freedom from fear, ignorance, and want.
Freedom from dishonesty, exclusion, and immorality.
Freedom of aspiration, invention, and inclusion.

Sponsor: Access Ready, Inc.

Access Ready, Inc. logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Access Ready Seeks Guidance On New Accessible Technologies

What Technologies do you see in the market that are not accessible, but should be? What accessible technologies can you imagine that can make the lives of people with all kinds of disabilities better? We will advocate with developers to make existing technologies accessible on your behalf. We will advocate with developers to build new accessible technologies on your behalf. Give us your guidance and support. Your guidance charts our path toward what is most important. Your support funds our efforts on your behalf:

Sponsor Since: December 1st 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessready.org/ 🌐️

Email: info@accessready.org 📧️

Phone: (727) 531-1000 📱️

About: Access Ready Inc. is a certified, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Access Ready Inc., a nonprofit cross-disability rights advocacy organization, is to promote a policy of accessibility benefiting all people regardless of ability across information and communications technology utilized for two way communications.

The purpose of Access Ready Inc. is to educate the public and private sectors of the importance of accessible information and communications technology to the future of all people regardless of ability.

To support this education by developing initiatives that promote policies that ensure the creation and maintenance of accessible technologies utilized for two way communications at all levels which allow for easy use by people with the widest range of abilities possible.

To develop employment and business opportunities for people with disabilities that support its educational activities in the field of information and communications technology and related areas.

To provide consulting and educational services to buyers, developers, and users of information and communications technology that promotes its highest and best use in society.

To promote the concept of a technologically accessible society which fosters:

Freedom of expression, speech, and worship.
Freedom from fear, ignorance, and want.
Freedom from dishonesty, exclusion, and immorality.
Freedom of aspiration, invention, and inclusion.

Sponsor: APH ConnectCenter

APH ConnectCenter logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Prepare For Your Future Today With The All-New APH ConnectCenter's Job Seekers Toolkit!

The APH ConnectCenter and NSITE have partnered to update the Job Seeker's Toolkit, an accessible, self-paced, free online training course. The Toolkit includes five sections covering self-awareness, career exploration tools, the preliminary employment process, the interview, and maintaining employment. We are bringing the Job Seeker's Toolkit to a larger audience and in a Learning Management System format for today's learners, at no cost. Visit APHCareerConnect.org to get started with the Job Seekers Toolkit today at:

Sponsor Since: November 29th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://aphconnectcenter.org/ 🌐️

Email: connectcenter@aph.org 📧️

APH ConnectCenter Information and Referral Line:
(800) 232-5463 📱️

Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET

Facebook (CareerConnect) | Facebook (FamilyConnect) | Facebook (VisionAware) | Twitter | YouTube

About: The APH ConnectCenter offers curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, and job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.

Sponsor: WayAround

WayAround logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Have You Tried The Best Way to Label Things if You're Blind or Have Low Vision?

WayAround is a smartphone-based labeling app that works with your preferred accessibility settings. You just need the free mobile app and some WayTags ® to label items in the kitchen, garden, closet, office & more. If you want to label something that's inside, outside, wet, dry, hot, or cold, there's a WayTag that will attach securely. WayTags come as stickers, buttons, magnets, and clips. Each of the different styles of WayTags work exactly the same. Simply choose the WayTag that's best for what you want to label.

➜ Label your kitchen, clothing, or medication.
➜ Tag specialty items and tools for hobbies.
➜ Organize lots of information about one thing on a single WayTag.
➜ Scan each WayTag 100,000 times or more.

Keep adding more WayTags! Use any style of tag, in any order. There's no limit to the number of WayTags you can use. So you can rely on one system to label all your things. Try our Starter Pack to experience ALL of the different types of WayTags!

Sponsor Since: November 18th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.wayaround.com/ 🌐️

General Sales & Support: (888) 898-4465 📱️

Business Sales & Support: (888) 898-4465 📱️

Email: connect@wayaround.com 📧️

About: WayAround is the app for your smart device that provides on-demand details about everyday things. The simple tag-and-scan approach lets you quickly and easily identify things around you. It also provides extra details, like how something works or when it expires. The result? Doing more of the things you want, with more confidence and more independence.

All the information you want with just a tap of your phone. No more waiting around to ask someone. You need just two things to get started: The free mobile app for iOS or Android and some of our smart WayTags®.

Accessible labels for the blind, deafblind, and anyone with vision loss. Your biggest problem isn't poor eyesight. It's that so much of the information in the world is visual. But you shouldn't have to wait around for someone else to get the information you need. Or carry around a bulky, outdated device. There is a better way to get accurate and complete information every time. So you can reduce stress and gain independence.

Download The App (Apple): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wayaround-tag-and-scan/id1294361140?mt=8

Download The App (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wayaround.wayaround

Sponsor: Pneuma Solutions

Pneuma Solutions logo.

➜ Classified Advertisement: Summer Shows For Us = Summer Savings for Everyone! 25% Off Anything In Our Store With Code "Show2023", Good Until July 31!

With Pneuma Solutions back in action at summer conventions, it is time once again for some unbeatable deals! And you're going to love this one... 25% off anything! That's right, anything! With the only exception being Sero due to its separate purchase process, anything available for purchase in our store via Stripe is 25% off for the month of July! RIM Personal for your machine at home? $74.25! Need to scale up? No problem, your 25% will be applied to the new price! Missed out on the Community Support discount? Never fear, you can still slash $37.25 off the $149 price, making the price $111.75! Scribe scans, credits and subscriptions are also covered. And the best part? You don't even have to pick which item to use it on! Purchase as many items as you need, and use this code on all of them! From now until July 31, you can spend 25% less and receive 100% of Pneuma's best in accessible remote desktop and document remediation! Use code show2023 for 25% off anything in our store til 07/31!

Sponsor Since: November 7th 2022 Calendar icon.

Website: https://pneumasolutions.com/ 🌐️

Email Newsletter: Click here to receive periodic news via email concerning Pneuma Solutions products for business, consumers and education.

Sales: (866) 202-0520 📱️

Support: (650) 249-1000 📱️

About: Backed by two decades of creating award-winning accessible cloud technologies for people with visual impairments, Pneuma Solutions is the global leader in accessible cloud-based solutions. Pneuma Solutions was founded by long-time accessibility developers Mike Calvo and Matt Campbell. For more information on their individual profiles, click on their respective bio pages. We're proud to be the first company to develop cloud-based accessibility at the network level. Our tools provide organizations, like yours, a way to deliver secure, accessible information right from your network or from our secure servers. You can provide your print disabled consumers, students, employees, and citizens with a multitude of accessible options. Additionally, we offer a suite of cloud-based applications to blind and print disabled consumers directly from our website. Our consumer products are designed to make the day-to-day lives of blind and print disabled individuals more accessible and simpler to manage. Access to information is not a privilege, it's a right. It's also your right to obtain affordable, accessible cloud solutions to serve your end user. When organizations like yours implement our tools, together we help make it a more inclusive world for people with disabilities. Want to know more about how we can help you become more inclusive?

Contact us here. We'll be happy to discuss how our tools can help with your accessibility needs.

Sponsor: National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI)

NCBI logo next to an image of one person giving advise to another.

Sponsor Since: September 18th 2023 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.ncbi.ie/ 🌐️

Phone: 1800 911 250 📱️

Make A Referral: https://www.ncbi.ie/supporting-you/make-a-referral/

We are happy to take referrals from anyone who is having significant challenges with their vision that cannot be improved with conventional correction glasses or medical treatment. Our online referral process provides a quick and easy way for you to request services, either for yourself, a family member, or a patient. We contact all new referrals to conduct an assessment.

Donate: https://www.ncbi.ie/supporting-us/donate-now/

Your support is Vital, for over 90 years, people like you have helped NCBI make Ireland a better place for those who are blind or vision impaired.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ncbilabs 📹

We regularly deliver Technology Podcasts on topics that support you. Show content ranges from chats and debates about the latest Inclusive Tech, Meet the Team interviews, interviews with developers about their latest innovations, Tech Tips, and Seeing it Your Way interviews where we speak to NCBI Service Users about how Technology has enabled them by breaking down barriers and leveling playing fields.

Online Store: https://www.ncbi.ie/shop-with-us/online-store/ 🛒

Shop Low Vision Aids. Our dedicated store supplies a range of household items, magnification aids, daily living aids, and technology devices all designed to assist you to live more independently. Check out our extensive range of low-vision aids, devices, and gadgets all designed to assist you in daily tasks.

NCBI Retail: https://www.ncbi.ie/shop-with-us/retail-stores/shop-locations/ 🛒

Visit our 130+ NCBI stores located across the country and shop for an extensive range of pre-loved quality clothing, accessories, and furniture. NCBI is proud to play a part in promoting environmentally friendly practices through reusing and recycling. We've got something for everyone, you can transform your home and wardrobe for less while helping to fund our vital work around Ireland with people living with sight loss.

About: NCBI's mission is to enable people who are blind and vision impaired to overcome the barriers that impede their independence and participation in society.

Inspired by the determination to overcome any obstacle, NCBI transforms the lives of people who are blind or vision impaired to deliver tangible change to today's needs. We offer timely information and support, relevant technology and innovative programs to sustain those with a vision impairment in education, in the workplace, and in wider society.

The National Council for the Blind of Ireland, the country's leading sight loss charity serving the approximate 55,000 people who are blind or vision impaired to live confidently and independently.

Our suite of programs provides practical and emotional support, rehabilitation and opening pathways to education, employment, and full participation in community and public life. It means raising awareness to ensure children and adults with a significant sight loss have the same opportunities, rights, and choices as anyone else in society.

NCBI works every day across the country with people of all ages, from young babies through to older members of our community. We provide services to approximately 7,000 people each year.

Often when a person learns that they or a loved one — a parent, child or partner — is losing their sight, they have a lot of questions and fears. They are faced with a new version of their life — one that initially seems limited and scary. NCBI empowers those living with sight loss in several meaningful ways to enable them to continue living independent and fulfilling lives. NCBI has a crucial role to play in creating a world without barriers for people with sight loss. We want to support, educate and change how people see sight loss in this country.

Social: Facebook | X (Formerly Twitter) | YouTube | Instagram

Sponsor: Hadley

A beautiful photograph of Hadley offices.

➜ Classified Advertisement: New NVDA Workshops at Hadley

Learn the basics of NVDA. From getting started with the program to customizing the speech to learning helpful shortcuts, Hadley's workshops have you covered.

Sponsor Since: September 18th 2023 Calendar icon.

Website: https://hadleyhelps.org/ 🌐️

Email: info@hadleyhelps.org 📧️

Phone: (800) 323-4238 📱️

Get Started: https://hadleyhelps.org/learn 🎓

What would you like to learn today?

Donate: https://hadleyhelps.org/donate/support-hadley

A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Hadley relies on contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations to fund its programs.

About: The mission of Hadley is to create personalized learning opportunities that empower adults with vision loss or blindness to thrive — at home, at work, and in their communities.

Founded in 1920 by William Hadley, an educator who lost his eyesight later in life, Hadley offers practical help, connection and support free of charge to anyone with a visual impairment, their families and professionals supporting them. With Hadley, you can discover new ways to do things that have become more difficult due to vision loss and connect with a network of peers who "get it." And you don't need to come to Hadley. Hadley's help comes to you; online, on the phone or through the mail.

Since relaunching in July 2020, more than 70,000 people have signed up with Hadley, registering more than 200,000 workshop interactions. And our workshops have 98% satisfaction ratings. We reach all 50 states and more than 100 countries. And more people learn braille from Hadley than from any other organization worldwide.

Hadley is a proud partner of the National Eye Institute and the National Eye Health Education Program.

Hadley's help conveniently meets learners where they are. Free of wait lists. Free of office visits. Free of charge.

Social: Facebook | X (Formerly Twitter) | YouTube

Sponsor: Empish J. Thomas

Empish J. Thomas logo.

Sponsor Since: August 21, 2023 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.empishthomas.com/ 🌐️

About: Hello. I'm so glad you're here. I'm Empish, a freelance writer and blogger specializing in vision loss and disability. I have a deep passion for the disability community and enjoy using my writing skills to bring awareness. Ever since I was a small child I have always been intrigued by the written word. Checking out children's books at my local library to reading the newspaper out loud to my parents, words have always moved and compelled me. Now, fast forward to my adult life. I had a journalism degree with a promising career. But six months after graduation I developed severe headaches and sensitivity to light prompting me to go see an eye doctor for the first time in my life. I was diagnosed with Uveitis in its most aggressive form and within a few years I was totally blind.

Despite this diagnosis my love for the written word did not diminish. I had noticed the negative and sometimes incorrect portrayal of the disabled in the news media. I wanted to be proactive in changing that image. Language is powerful and that people with disabilities must tell their own story.

This is why I love the Nigerian proverb “Don't let the lion tell the giraffe's story,” because it speaks to my career as a journalist and disability advocate. As we know, the lion is the king of the jungle and rules the animal kingdom. His voice is heard the strongest and the loudest the majority of the time.

But there are also other animals too. Ones like the giraffe that have a voice and a story to tell. Their voices are just as important. Just as powerful. Just as valuable. As you review and read my work my goal is to give the giraffe that voice.

Topics That Spark Joy

As a freelance writer and blogger, I use this site to talk about my life as a disabled person. Like Marie Kondo, you will find blog posts on the things that spark joy. I love reading audiobooks and watching audio described movies. I also love talking about accessibility and how it impacts my life. I include my daily routine. You know those mundane things we all do like grocery shopping, exercising, paying bills, voting and anything else I find interesting.

Let Me Write For You

Now that you know a little about me, are you looking for a freelance writer? One who can write a captivating story. ONE WITH excellent writing and organizational skills. One who understands the importance of deadlines. Let's chat. Shoot me an email from my Contact Page and let's discuss how I can meet your writing needs.

Sponsor: Eyes on Success

Eyes on Success logo. The logo is a black square with rounded corners and has the letters EOS in silver across the top with 4 silver lines fanning out downwards from the bottom of the O. Since the initials of the show's name (Eyes On Success) spell the name of the Greek goddess of the dawn (EOS), the logo was designed to give the impression of a sunrise which in turn provides a positive uplifting feeling in keeping with the theme of the show. We are grateful to our daughter Allison for the graphic design work.

Sponsor Since: August 21, 2023 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.eyesonsuccess.net/ 🌐️

About: This half-hour weekly podcast and radio program discusses products, services and daily living tips for people with vision loss. It is available through radio reading services across North America, via several internet streaming services, and to everyone else as a podcast. To date, the show has been downloaded in all 50 states in the US and over 100 other countries on all the inhabited continents. Eyes On Success is hosted and produced by Peter Torpey and Nancy Goodman Torpey.

Each episode is basically a success story. Some are human stories of visually impaired people's accomplishments in academics, employment, sports or pastimes. Others are descriptions of adaptive aids that enable visually impaired people to achieve things. These include screen readers, magnifiers, navigation aids, and others. In all cases, the focus is on success.

Eyes On Success has been airing weekly since January 2011. Prior to January 2013 the name of the show was ViewPoints. Other than the name, nothing has changed.

Listening To Eyes On Success

You can listen to Eyes On Success on your smart home device by saying “play the Eyes On Success podcast”, subscribe to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or listen on Apple Podcasts, iTunes, YouTube or your local radio reading service. Listeners can also follow the show on Facebook and X (Formerly Twitter).

Connecting with Eyes On Success

Email: To contact us with questions, comments or suggestions for future shows send an e-mail to hosts@EyesOnSuccess.net 📧️.

Weekly Announcements: If you would like to receive weekly announcements of upcoming episodes, you can join our low traffic "announcements only" list by sending an e-mail to: EyesOnSuccess+subscribe@GoogleGroups.com 📧️.

Email Forum: If you would like to connect with other listeners and share your thoughts about what you've heard on the show, you can join our listener email forum by sending an email to: EOS_Discuss+Subscribe@GoogleGroups.com 📧️

Your Business or Organization Name Here

➜ Classified Advertisement: Your Weekly Classified Advertisement Title Here (256 characters or less including spaces.)

Your weekly Classified Advertisement here.
(1000 characters or less including spaces.)

Your logo here.

Sponsor Since: Today Calendar icon.

Website: https://accessinformationnews.com/ 🌐️

Phone: (855) 578-6660 📱️

Email: news@accessinformationnews.com 📧️

About: Access Information News is the world's leading not-for-profit access information news publication that reaches over 35,000 access professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week. Access Information refers to informational topics that directly affect the lives of people with disabilities. Access Information includes any and all information related to bettering the lives of people who are blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled. Access Information News is a Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication.

Access Information News is the world's leading not-for-profit access information news publication that reaches over 35,000 blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week.

Access Information refers to informational topics that directly affect the lives of people with disabilities. Access Information includes any and all information related to bettering the lives of people who are blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled.

Access Information News offers a total of 24 Sponsorship Packages which are used to support the ongoing distribution of the publication.

Availability: There are currently  6  of  18  Sponsorship Packages available. All 18 Sponsorship Packages are offered on a first-come, first serve basis.

Waiting List: If you would like to become an Access Information News Sponsor but there are no sponsorship packages currently available, we encourage you to join our waiting list by sending an email to: sponsorships@accessinformationnews.com 📧️. Once you have joined our waiting list we will notify you the next time a current sponsor decides not to renew. You will then have 72 hours to secure your sponsorship before it is offered to the next sponsor on the list.

Payment Options: When available you can secure one of these packages for just $100.00 USD per month, $300 USD per quarter or $1,200.00 USD per year.

Payment Option Benefits: Monthly Sponsors receive Zero (0) Featured Advertisements. Quarterly Sponsors receive One (1) Featured Advertisement per quarter. Annual Sponsors receive Five (5) Featured Advertisements per year. All other benefits remain the same.

➜ Access Information News Supporters:

We couldn't do it without you! Thank you for your support!

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Why: Access Information News Supporters donate an amount of their choosing either one time or annually in order to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News publication.

Benefits: All Access Information News Supporters receive a listing within the "Our Supporters" section of each weekly newsletter, as well as a listing within the "Our Supporters" section of the Access Information News website.

One Time Donation: If you would like to become an Access Information News Supporter by making a one time donation in an amount of your choosing to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News publication, you may utilize this donate link, or scan the QR code to the right.

Annual Donation: If you would like to become an Access Information News Supporter by making a small annual donation to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News publication, we also offer the following options, all with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support.

Support: In tandem with Our Sponsors, these are the people that make the ongoing distribution of Access Information News possible.

Platinum Supporters:

Ornate Platinum Medallion.

Become an Access Information News Platinum Supporter today.

1.) James Hulme
Platinum Supporter Since: December 5, 2022

2.) Donna Jodhan
Platinum Supporter Since: March 24, 2023

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One Time Supporters:

One Time Supporters donate an amount of their choosing — one time to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News Publication.

Become an Access Information News One Time Supporter today.

1.) Amanda Lee
One Time Supporter on July 31, 2023

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➜ Access Information News Team

Publisher: Aaron Di Blasi (Volunteer)

Photo of Aaron Di Blasi.

Volunteer Publisher Since: November 7th 2022

Location: Mayfield Heights, Ohio

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT) (GMT-5/GMT-4)

In addition to serving as Publisher for Access Information News Aaron also serves as Publisher for the Top Tech Tidbits Publication and is also the President and Senior Project Management Professional for Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

As Publisher Aaron oversees the weekly distribution of Access Information News on behalf of Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

Aaron also serves as a Volunteer Editorial Contributor to Access Information News.

Aaron Di Blasi, PMP

Publisher (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Publisher (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

Sr. Project Management Professional (2006 - Present)
Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
Innovative ideas. Solutions that perform.
https://mvsltd.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor #1: John Hanlin (Volunteer)

Volunteer Editorial Contributor Since: November 7th 2022

Location: Boulder, Colorado

Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time (MST/MDT) (GMT-7/GMT-6)

In addition to serving as an Editorial Contributor to Access Information News, John also serves as an Editorial Contributor to the Top Tech Tidbits Publication and is also an attorney-at-law specializing in long-term disability claims for blind and visually impaired persons.

John is also a long-time contractor and member of the Board of Trustees at Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

John Hanlin, Esq.

Editorial Contributor (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

Board of Trustees (2006 - Present)
Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
Innovative ideas. Solutions that perform.
https://mvsltd.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor #2: Jenna Lang (Volunteer)

Volunteer Editorial Contributor Since: November 7th 2022

Location: Des Moines, Iowa

Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST/CDT) (GMT-6/GMT-5)

In addition to serving as an Editorial Contributor to Access Information News, Jenna also serves as an Editorial Contributor to the Top Tech Tidbits Publication and runs her own advocacy foundation.

Jenna also serves as a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) for Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.

Jenna's son was born blind and she is always seeking new and innovative ways to empower him through technology.

Jenna Lang, PMP

Editorial Contributor (2022-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor (2020-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

Project Management Professional (2022 - Present)
Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
Innovative ideas. Solutions that perform.
https://mvsltd.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor #3: David Woodbridge (Volunteer)

Photo of David Woodbridge.

Volunteer Editorial Contributor Since: February 6th 2023

Location: Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia

Time Zone: Australia Eastern Standard Time (AEST/AEDT) (GMT+10)

In addition to serving as an Editorial Contributor to Access Information News, David is also the National Commercial Assistive Technology Advisor for Vision Australia where he has worked since 1990. Over this time he has assisted people who are blind or vision impaired in their home, education, and work settings to take advantage of the benefits of using assistive and main stream technology.

In the last seventeen years, he has also been involved with evaluating technology for use by people who are blind or vision impaired covering both low and high tech equipment (including Microsoft, Samsung, Google, Amazon, and Apple). David is also one of the key spokespersons for Vision Australia relating to technology.

He has been an Apple Ambassador for Apple Australia since 2009 with a group of other Ambassadors / Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE)'s covering the range of Apple's Accessibility solutions throughout Australia.

David produces a range of podcasts (since 2011) covering Apple and other technologies which are distributed on his own podcast (http://davidwoodbr.podbean.com). In addition, he also has a regular Talking Tech program (since 2013) which can be heard every Tuesday at 4:30 Eastern Summer Time on Vision Australia Radio Melbourne (available online) or via https://omny.fm/shows/talking-tech-vision-australia-radio

David also runs a weekly Tech Monday where people can chat about assistive and main stream technology, share information, and any tips and tricks.

David lost his sight when he was 8 years old and had to learn Braille. Since then, he completed high school, went to Sydney University receiving a Social Work degree, spent 4 years drug and alcohol counselling, and then moved into his current job.

As a person who is blind, David believes that as a user of the technology that he recommends to others, that he is well situated to look at the strengths and shortcomings of the assistive technology that he comes across in both his professional and personal life, in particular, mainstream technology that is accessible.

X (Formerly Twitter): @dwoodbridge
Mastodon: woody@dragonscave.space
iSee Podcast: https://davidwoodbr.podbean.com
Vision Australia Radio Talking Tech: https://omny.fm/shows/talking-tech-vision-australia-radio

In addition to his weekly contributions to Access Information News, David's regularly occurring activities are his weekly tech radio show, bi-monthly exploring tech webinars for Vision Australia, his iSee podcast when something of note grabs his attention, and the weekly Tech Monday chat sessions.

David Woodbridge

Editorial Contributor (2023-Present)
Access Information News
The Week's News in Access Information
https://accessinformationnews.com 🌐️

Editorial Contributor (2023-Present)
Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐️

National Commercial Assistive Technology Advisor (1990 - Present)
Vision Australia
Live the life you choose. We're here to support all Australians who are blind or have low vision.
https://www.visionaustralia.org/ 🌐️

Email: editor@accessinformationnews.com 📧️
Subscribe: https://accessinformationnews.com/subscribe
Facebook: https://accessinformationnews.com/facebook
X (Formerly Twitter): https://accessinformationnews.com/x
LinkedIn: https://accessinformationnews.com/linkedin
RSS Feed: https://accessinformationnews.com/rss
Donate: https://accessinformationnews.com/donate
Sponsorship Packages: https://accessinformationnews.com/sponsor
Archive Search: https://accessinformationnews.com/search
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication: https://toptechtidbits.com

➜ Subscription Information


Access Information News is the world's leading not-for-profit access information news publication that reaches over 35,000 blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week. Subscribe here. Review the archive here. Access Information News is a Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication. Publisher: Aaron Di Blasi. Contributing Editors: John Hanlin, Jenna Lang and David Woodbridge. Access Information News is a sponsor and reader supported publication.


Access Information News is released every Monday morning at 6:00 AM ET.


Do you, a friend, or colleague wish to receive the Access Information Newsletter? If so, please use or pass along our CAPTCHA-free sign-up link, which is: https://accessinformationnews.com/subscribe. You can also subscribe to receive the Access Information Newsletter on the Access Information News Website at: https://accessinformationnews.com. Either of these methods will provide you with an accessibly friendly and secure medium through which you can subscribe to our mailing list. Just enter your email address, click send, and begin receiving the Access Information Newsletter. It's that easy.


If you would like to become 1 of only 24 Access Information News Sponsors whose annual support makes the distribution of Access Information News possible, we offer you the following benefits, with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support: https://accessinformationnews.com/sponsorship-packages.html.


If you would like to become an Access Information News Supporter by making a small one time or annual donation to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Access Information News publication, we offer the following options, with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support: https://accessinformationnews.com/donate.html.


Visit the Access Information News website online at https://accessinformationnews.com.


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If you have questions regarding any of the material published in Access Information News please feel free to reach out to our Publisher at publisher@accessinformationnews.com 📧️ or our Editors at editors@accessinformationnews.com 📧️ and we will attempt to provide you with answers as time and knowledge permit.


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Five stylized access logos, a long cane user, hearing aid user, full braille cell, fingers signing interpreter, and enlarged print.

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